If you don't want to be helpful just be quiet

You know the maldives are a sinking island nation right?


I love people like you who answer a question an OP never asked

Another game only on kickstarter? Gee I wonder why it isn't more popular than a game available in many physical stores worldwide

I don't see how wizards/witches who can bend reality, mind control and such could be decimated by muggles. Come on

That's literally canon though, the african school teaches wandless magic

Because it's a fucking desert in the middle of nowhere with like 5 people living there

But thank you for your amazing Israel/Palestine activism no16242

What's the point of standing in such long line, the sets will still be made

It's just a tea, I don't understand why won't you buy some and try it instead of overcomplicating it

I've seen bots with more original jokes

Unpopular opinion

What's with people writing UnPopUlAr OpiNioN in every damn post these days

Btw in my country american goods were never see as high quality

It's passable

If someone likes the taste it doesn't matter

Janissaries were also actually got paid handsomely, unusual for slave soldiers,

So were saudarkar

625284625th "why won't they weaponize shield lasgun interaction" post this week

Well you're pretty wrong then because ancient leaders had no modern tools of controlling and affecting the populations

Maybe read what totalitarianism actually is