Starting in one week your website needs to pay 5 dollars a month otherwise we break your CSS.

Big deal, I break my CSS layouts on a weekly basis.

But it makes it a lot easier for time travels to ask for the year without raising suspicion. All you have to do is say "What is the current date in ISO 8601 format", and presto, your identity is hidden. There is the minor issue that you are talking to a Gaul tribal leader before english was a thing, but baby steps.

A love a good hopology theorem.

Knowing the French, if they did have a distinction, it would be that 'fewer' is used when the number is divisible by twenty, and 'less' otherwise.

All we did is expose ourselves to new predators, like vicious knids.

I see the problem. You need to update your version of macromedia flash.

I got mad when somebody told me Scot Pilgrim vs the World is a romantic comedy, and even angrier when I realized he was right.

Losing biters to artillery shells, at the break of dawn.

I'll allow it, because the kind of student that uses non-orientable surfaces doesn't really need the extra help.

All this astrometeorology talk is getting me navier stoked

17 is a pattern screamer, a being of pure malice and hate.

Playing Factorio while high is a tautology.

Lmao. Link me one example of this ever happening. This is such privileged ignorance.

Don't even need to burn a bible. This happened in Texas just two weeks ago:

ω is a cosmological expansion constant that indicates if the universe will collapse in a big crunch, expand forever, or tear itself apart. So Cω is the (taylor) expansion of the complex plane.

Scientists don't know the value for ω, but evidence points to a big rip scenario where all complex functions divergently explode at every point.

You can't talk to your dead cat with quantum mechanics, because cats have chewed out all the string theory strings that entangle feline heaven with earth.

It's easy to punch down on somebody when you know they have to be civil in response.

The most important character of the show