They run red lights all the time and I'm in NE Broward. It's every time I'm on the road now. People are fucking insane and entitled. They care not for others safety except themselves.

In NE Broward where I live, all the storms fizzle out before they reach us. It's been like this since last year. I'm a native and we would always plan our days around afternoon storms knowing that by 1pm/2pm the rest of the day was a wash.

Fast forward to now, if we do get rain, it's a quick shower around 7pm. Yet west Broward and Everglades gets dumped on with rain and due to the heating of the day.

Miami has been getting far more rain than us. We're in a drought and I'm surprised I haven't seen water restrictions like we had in years past.

I personally would not have kept this individual around this long. Missing rehearsals, constant excuses, blowing off concerns, shit attitude, refusal to practice at all with the band are all red flags you've been painting green.

This goes beyond ”not contributing”. I can't say it's laziness. Something doesn't isn't right with him mentally and maybe he's hiding addiction issues. He needs to go ASAP.

That's what we do. My son is 13 now and we've always included him in having a say in decisions (dinner, weekend activities, etc). Always explaining why we say no to some things. Never ”because I said so” which is damaging and really belittles the child by not giving a respectful, honest answer.

He knows he's loved and respected, too. That's important. Also important for kids to see their parents working together as a couple and showing affection, too. They really need to see that. Deep down, kids want to feel secure. Secure kids, make for more stable adults when they're older.

Sounds like a loser. Can't stand people who cheat.

There's more going on than the hormone thing. I'm a mom myself and went through serious PPD after my son. What she's doing is obsessing about her fantasy and actually wants to go through with it irrespective of common sense. That has ZERO to do with PPD (post partum depression).

This will harm these kids. She will end up alienated and alone because of this fantasy. No child should ever be coerced nor manipulated by their parents. They deserve autonomy, too, and to be protected because this shit is abusive.

I speak of experience with my own mother who was similarly delulu minus the twin kids part. I'm still fucked up from my upbringing. Only peace I have now is both my parents have passed on. I won't have to ever deal with their mental illnesses and manipulation.

She definitely has a Cray cray tendency and it's showing itself now. She's obsessing over it which isn't healthy in any way.

Same. It seems the song quality is worse when it's forced. I rather let it be until it passes. No matter if I have an idea or two, it doesn't manifest itself into a song that I'm proud of.

Love those sweet sea cows.

He's made peace with it long ago. Both parents are deceased now. Despite it all, he was always there for them when they were in need.

My 13 year old doesn't want to shower everyday. He needs to because, you know, puberty and he has a head of wavy curly hair which can be a bear to take care of.

I always joke with him about it ”with great hair comes great responsibility”. He knows it means he needs to take care of his hair which tends to be on the greasy side these days.

Aside from that, good way to get him to shower is to get him in the pool. He showers without fail after a swim and after mowing the lawn, too.

I have GEICO for nearly 20 years. We have pay only $217/mo for two vehicles. One is a '15 Mustang V6 (own outright) and a '16 Silverado 1500 (financed). I have minimal coverage on the mustang and Chevy needs full coverage.

It depends on the zip code for rates and driver record.

This exactly. Most native born and raised Floridians don't act entitled. You can tell by how people drive who's from here and those who aren't.

They're entitled at my local Lowes, however Home Depot is getting just as bad. I rarely go to Home Depot. I hate the layout.

It needs to point the rays down, not up, on this flag for accuracy.

Whatever and here I'm getting downvoted by people with zero common sense.

Is there a ton of seaweed by the shore? Jellyfish get caught up in that.

Deerfield and Pompano for me aren't exactly the cleanest of beaches. Tons of garbage buried in the sand, people litter all over the place, it's also a toilet for dogs despite them not being permitted on the beach in some areas. I'm a Deerfield resident and have stopped going to both those beaches because of the rotting seaweed stench.

You never know what kind of marine pollutants are from boats and jet skis closer to the shore.

I'd go to urgent care and get that checked out ASAP. Don't wait.

Then it's on you for not doing your due diligence picking your place to live.

I never pay attention to this. It always gets revised and every year they're wrong.

This is why you always check out your neighbors before ever renting or buying.

Who named this place? They must like Joy Division’s ”Love Will Tear Us Apart”. That's all I heard when seeing this sign.

My husband is an Irish twin. For 2 months, he is the same age as his older brother. Not once were they treated as twins. My husband was also an ”oops” baby and never really felt wanted and his parents broadcasted that message when he was a young child.

Red shirt the older child. In other words, delay entering kindergarten until the older sibling turns 6. She needn't lie to herself and everyone else to do that.

This sums up the delulu perfectly.

This woman needs intervention now before she ruins both their children's lives. Once they learn they were lied to for one thing, they will never believe another adult as long as they live and will resent their parents and each other as siblings.

I also hate to be that person, but if OP cannot convince his wife to either drop this delusional fantasy and/or get professional help with it, then I would consider divorce with full custody of both children.

OP needs to protect his children. If that means protecting them from their mother, then he needs to act now.