Pretty girl deffo gets a BOOP❣️❣️❣️

Smudge looks like the goodest boi❣️❣️❣️

Awww, he’s the meatiest adorable meatball❣️❣️❣️

How long could a car possibly run with this mess before it became tow fodder?!? Genuinely curious.

😆😆😆 I dunno why I laughed so hard at that, but fair play to you.

How does your husband feel about the more androgynous names? Ex. Quinn, Rowan, Riley, Cameron, Parker

  1. Unstable psychopath with a persecution complex
  2. Inferiority syndrome for lack of education
  3. Fed off the hate of the masses to commit mass genocide which in turn inspired it elsewhere
  4. Extreme racism from piled up DADDY ISSUES and overall unintelligence
  5. Alcoholic and frequent pill head
  6. Paedo/Ephebophile with a taste for first cousins and nieces
  7. Anti religion yet dabbled openly in the occult with his inner circle
  8. Hypocritical monster

Not in order of importance and I probably missed a whole lot, but yeah…enough to say he was a “bad” person.

Oh, I know. But for some reason r/forbiddenqueso seems more giggle inducing.

Ok, that’s enough. You were accused of acting superior because you are spewing your load of unoriginal bollocks like a snob. Your tone went from supporting gun bans to hating on Americans in a heartbeat, and why? Because people are calling you out for somehow managing to convey an overtly condescending tone without any sort of speech whatsoever. We get it. You are a European with a lack of understanding of the manner in which Americans approach violence, crime, and gun control. But instead of just saying that and making objective statements, every comment you have made manages to convey an image of you talking down your nose with your chin in the air. The sense of superiority you feel over the citizens of the US is clear.

Good on you. Your country has properly strict gun laws. But if bans were the answer, they would have happened a long time ago. Why didn’t they? Because a total ban applied to law goes contrary to human nature. The stronger a restriction is, the more chaos they will cause finding ways to get around it. Harsher gun control brings down gun-related crime. That’s one subset. Not blades, batons, capstun, etc. Just guns. The argument over whether the guns or the people wielding them are the issue is like the chicken and the bloody egg. Been around forever, and it doesn’t matter. Guns will be deadly no matter what, and the psychos of humanity will always find a way.

Does America need a lot of work tightening its gun laws? Yup. But the arrogant argument you started almost says that the poor family who went through this should have expected this on some level because their country makes the things readily available to the criminals who put them through it. It almost says that they should be blaming those in government, rather than the carjackers! That would be the same thing for example as blaming a girlfriend when her ex-boyfriend committed suicide because she broke up with him.

I am not even American (UK, Wales), and reading your comments just became more and more infuriating. Your behaviour is why so many people think certain areas of Europe are populated with nothing but pseudo-woke nobs with nothing better to do than judge the US using the same tired arguments barfed out all over the Internet. Do yourself a favour and at least ATTEMPT to make it seem as if you are forming your own thoughts and opinions based on proper research and critical thinking before someone exposes you for the hypocrite you are.

That legitimately sounds like it could be one of the weirder minor subreddits: r/forbiddenqueso 😆😆😆

Newspaper? No. Extra thick copy of an auto trader’s manual? Absolutely.

I actually read all the 1-, 2-, and 3-star reviews. The owner claps back, but they are hardly tantrums. In fact, when the reviews from customers are not unnecessarily negative and insulting, his response is quite polite and what you usually see when an owner responds to a poor review. He was also correct…he was being hit with a bad review campaign. Too many in WAY too short a period with very similar wording or confirmed copied from other sources. People, if you are gonna do this, there are WAYS TO NOT BE OBVIOUS…and you failed. Are the owner’s responses unusual in that he responds with the same energy, rather than giving the cookie-cutter apology and offer of a freebie? Deffo. But after reading the reviews I get the sense that he isn’t the one throwing tantrums here.

I ADORE reading bad reviews and responses, and owner replies commonly fall into one of two categories: 1) Illogically and outwardly hostile, or 2) annoyingly submissive. This bloke went hard on the defense, but he was neither of these.

With that coat, she deffo has a right to be 😁

Yup. Pushing out that chest. A true Cane diva indeed.

And she’s so proud❣️❣️❣️. Happy birthday, 🥰

Aww, hi, sweet boi❣️❣️❣️

Was the consequence to set a world record for fastest time put on a register? Or just teaching a class in Nonce 101?

I am gonna go with NTA. Banning food items will not prevent them. Kids will find a way to sneak them in. So will teachers. An allergy table or allergy section is a great idea, because that way, kids are safe and no one has to give anything up. And no one is stunted socially, because kids w/o the allergies are not being stopped from sitting with their friends that do if they agree to leave the allergens out of their lunches.

What is happening here is that a rabid PTA Karen wants the school the way she wants it, based on her son’s needs. Her concern isn’t for other students, no matter what BS she spouts. It isn’t even really for her son either. It’s about her pride when someone tells her no. She just needs a reason that sounds at least as if it has a shred of logic or altruism.