I hate all things 'zombie' but by god you made me giggle!

My thoughts exactly and this is the first reply I've seen where someone even mentions her big toe, how can that not be acknowledged? Oh my goodness, I don't understand the shape or position of that toe! 😬

All moderators need to take a page from Kyle's book, that's how you handle things. Love his show too!

I'm sorry, but I have to do this..........

...*then sad.


People seem to be going way overboard with their affection for cartoons these days.

Wow, such a great action shot! The dust at the bottom of the picture really nails it too!

Rodeo clowns are incredibly brave, I could never have that job!

What a beautiful picture you paint of the turtles, the children and your mother who treasured them all. I can see it all so vividly: turtles of all sizes, root beer floats in the backyard and sweet giggly messes in the kitchen! When children are given space to express their sensitive sides and be creative, the world benefits.

I'm so glad your mom lived such a thoughtful life and that everyone around her valued her so, most especially you! Your mother left a wonderful legacy, thanks for sharing your/her story! πŸ’™

The flowers, plants and dog are perfect accents!

That is my kind of comfy chair in a nook! πŸ™‚

They are beautiful! 🦚

Wow, what an amazing experience! Who was at the house first, the turtles or your mother? I'm curious if they were there because she brought them & took care of them and they multiplied or the other way around.

That's wonderful that you and the neighbors worked together to rehome them. Thanks for caring for them and sharing some 'turtle knowledge' with us! πŸ’πŸ’™

Clearly I didn't make the most of my pregnancies...

I was very impressed with how determined he was. He may have stumbled some but he's def a hard worker!

I love those canopied/ box style beds!

The mood feels somber, heavy. Very impactful to me, nice shot!

I'm distracted by that adorable little salad cup. It looks fresh & colorful, should probably taste as precious as it looks! πŸ‘

Very cool! I had no idea we made such a good team! πŸ˜€

That is so cool, you should be extremely proud! I'm proud of my GS sash. I really wish I still had my Brownie sash like you, I'm so jealous!

And boy did he get dumped on. It appeared to be unrelenting in the clip. I'm curious what happened in the end. Did he wait out the wind and snow or was he forced to take another route?

People that do that are crazy brave, I would love 1/100 th off that skill and determination!