I definitely hear you there. I remember turning the corner of the toys r us Lego aisle and seeing the 2013 sail barge. This was before I followed reveals and I wanted the 2006 version sooo bad, so I was completely baffled. Now there’s the sense that we deserve to see the products early. Which I’m glad we can, but there’s definitely a surprise factor that’s missing when there’s a constant drip feed of new information. The sword do be double edged.

It’s the knights of ren ship with a couple engines added here and there

Saw a q&a video of his years ago where he just ripped his own followers apart for asking stupid questions. Don’t think any of them were smart enough to realize it though

Looking back at the movie as a whole, it’s ridiculous… but I cried when Chewbacca got his medal in Rise of Skywalker

The ones that tip over and fire into the crowd. It can be entertaining if you’re not the one that’s getting hit

Jedi survivor. One of the most laughably predictable stories I’ve seen. In terms of Order 66 survivors, Cal is the most generic one yet

The only thing Mirror’s Edge did wrong to get canceled was not being a copy paste shooter or sports game. EA doesn’t have time for something unique and interesting

Why are we so worried about helmet holes when this monstrosity of a stormtrooper helmet is still the norm? The last version was perfect and you can’t even pose this one :/

Grey baseplate army with a twist

I remember Home Alone’s menu let you play the whole movie as a minigame

Bro’s going through all his homework questions

Again, I never said it was worse. Just thought it was an odd choice.

God I hate Reddit

Never said it’s worse 😂 Just less iconic to the brand

Weird that they chose peely bone over regular peely for the large build. I don’t play FN but the standard peely seems to be the more iconic mascot

These are the only times I play multiplayer games. I don’t have the time to pour years into the mmo’s and shooters that have no end to them. I remember enjoying Crossout a few times for a while until you hit that wall and stop getting any new parts for your vehicle

Got into it with him before and he basically said that any recognition is good recognition, so he’ll probably love this