No luck…some rough “sees” when you lose a turret.

I dont even skate and want to hit her in the face with a skateboard. lol

That dog owner needs to be arrested and has no business owning a dog.

Pre mixed concrete patch. You can glob it on and smooth it with water.

Buy a giant boulder and have it dropped on top of his car. Then write a note and say…wow Just saw this giant boulder on your car that happens to be in my parking space, that could have been my car! Saved me a nasty repair bill! #karmasucks

I think I saw you in a dream once.

Aaaand this is why I have so little hope left for this country. One day she will probably be in politics. lol

Dont read chat and pretty much ignore emotes unless they are helpful. Enjoy the game much better now. Went from PS to PC. Not sure if platform makes a difference, but PC seems more mellow to me.

If I saw that, I for sure would want to squash it!! Great job!

I thought it was what looks like the scar on the wrist.

Some people don’t want to think about it. The more you think about it, the more you realize the insanity of the system we live in.

Maybe breakup some of the grey with streaks of browns reds yellow etc.

If you want more texture. Large wood chips from local garden store are pretty good.

I just think of it like this. Hey we have some soft scientific types that need a base really quick for a research project. You hop down build the base, they get word its done and drop down right away. Upkeep is on them then.

I would probably just leave a surprise for them on their desk with a note saying “Didn’t use the bathroom, hope your desk is okay…”

Many things may not seem like a privilege until the ability to do those things is taken away

Maybe some pearlized paint or crushed glass to give a little glitter reflection type stuff here and there.

When you take a yellow lotus potion there is an effect that flies away from your body.

All the suggestions seem good, but for mixed materials I like a gesso or paint mixed into Matte Mod Podge as my base layer.

Concrete Patch is my go to for cover foam. Can smooth with water and dries with good texture.

Ooo those are really pretty, and very flattering too!