Would really recommend to not tempt the fate like that

Such a shame that so much money was wasted on this project

To be fair, both would be good

I really hope there will be no fucking dumb ass shit like robots or other trash that just doesn't fit the game narrative... Kinda sad that they lost the identity of what kf1 was way back when it was still a ut2004 mod and after it became a standalone game

It will take at very least the same period of time in which tories were in power if not way longer to see any meaningful positive impact which we all know wont happen as "people" have a memory on par with re-fried burger from behind the sofa and will fall for the narrative that xyz i labour's fault while it was actually tories fault, resulting in people not understanding that it takes time to fix this shitshow and likely voting for tories next election

Id rather see reform get no seats and farrage to fuck off from uk forever

Gl with that, ill sit and wait to see whether kf3 will even resemble anything that kf is, real good kf was back when it used to be a mod for ut2004, it was good when it released as standalone and kf2 was good until they introduced those stupid shit robots

I dont mind kf2 but whats been said about kf3 so far makes me doubt it

Thats why i have zero faith in kf3 being any good

Feel free to use my link! I'll appreciate it very much! Currently got no referrals at all, so use my link if you feel like it and are looking to set up your T212 account!



Ja pierdole policja w polsce jest na prawde tak chujowa? Zalosne

🟦 :moons: 61 / 61 🦐

"i've got sources" - seb7mad - new highly anticipated and respected portal due to go live


stanowski zawsze byl chujolizem i slabym pseudo dziennikarzem i hiena

🟦 :moons: 61 / 61 🦐

Stop giving this cunt and a scammer media attention


Makes a post on reddit, someone responds, "please dont be annoying"

Okay then

How is that a clown show? Had to jump over a leg

Did the media site ask the dutch fan for permission to use his photo?

If youre literally coming on this sub to ask then it isnt you beating your wife in that "bet" though is it? Lmao

Typical farty arm chair expert redditors

There are restrictions on capacity - different airlines may have different rules, on average i think 100 wh/ watt hours is the max allowed