My brother. It is time to move onwards. Don’t get too comfortable in there.

Looks like a puppet skeleton . (Not that ever skinned a puppet of nothin)

That’s what the internet is for. You got this! You owe it to her. Not that I’d change much cosmetically. She’s beautiful! I’m jealous.

I bet you walk around with sunglasses and a flash light too huh 🤣

Toughen up butter cup

Are you in the FL panhandle? We just celebrated Billy Bowlegs here.

Why would u ? They’re less than $1 a piece (and that’s on Amazon).

Don’t reinvent the wheel.

Are you safe?! I there are agencies that can assist today.

Thoughts and prayers kid.

Still remember dos commands to open my game Von Krashenbern’s Flying Circus haha

Forwarding this to the warden right now. Jk I ain’t no snitch.

Well done this is dope. Forget the baby it’d be goin on my shelf !

Florida/Bama man here, introducing

Izzy Mae and Zoey Louise (r)
