Hi! Obviously totally up to you what you want your lawn to be, but honestly your weeds sound awesome! (Other than the creeping Charlie and creeping Jenny.) I have a big patch of wild violets (they're native to the eastern US!) and I love them in the spring. Good luck getting your yard to what you want it to be!!!

Hi, did you figure this out? I have a similar problem and I'm not sure how to handle it!

Had to scroll WAYYYYY too far for this one! Ditto to above.

Would love to see the photo from the back! Tend to agree from this view you should mostly leave it alone. It’s very easy to do too much to these trees.

Literally just did! Reading the DOT announcement closely I doubt I will be successful but we shall see.

I was not able to get any additional compensation or a refund for the flight even though it was "significantly changed" (that's a reference to the DOT rule update). Calling them made me sad; they were unhelpful and it just reminded me of all the lost time. I hope you fare better than I did.

Yes it is wild to me it is 330 days— not even a full year! Trickery afoot.

Haha don’t know what comment it was but English is definitely my first language!

I am DEFINITELY dramatic but I think my expectations are not TOO high…

This is a NIGHTMARE. Honestly the gate checking the bag part I was sitting here and my adrenaline was starting to rise sympathetically. I really also can’t stand it when they can’t rebook you for days… there have got to be better solutions…

This is WILD, particularly the part on Laredo? Like what?!

Thank you for this wonderful compliment!!! I really did not think this post would be that interesting for people, was just trying to while away the hours and keep my sanity… all this to say the kindness of redditors like you makes me want to do more writing!

Thank you for this outrageous compliment! I would love to publish writing but have not! Honestly though all you kind redditors are inspiring me to get back on the horse.

I think it’s cash off a single flight. Then once you’ve bought one flight the rest of it is forfeited. Seems very convenient for them…

This is wild and way worse! The communication breakdowns really make everything worse than they could be. Yikes. Glad mine was not this bad.

I’m going to give them a call tomorrow — we will see what happens!

Yes basically this. How I feel exactly!! All the restrictions leave me like ?????

I was looking at getting on a United flight at first, but no dice! I think someone else snagged the last spot.

Thank you!! I had a vague memory of this and couldn’t find it!!