Trial was definitely rigged by presenting all the evidence of the crimes he committed.

:shorthorns: Saw Em Off


No one gets out that easy.

Well you better shoot em up.

But personally, they haven't helped me kill more birds

:shorthorns: Saw Em Off

We will have a set of completely new dudes, learning to play together for the first time.

At least 8 wins. But fewer than the hype

Personally, I don't see the need for 3.5 in shells.

I like a ceracote on my duck gun.

Go with whichever one fits better

🍇🦧Grape Ape! 🍇🦧

I don't even need to watch it

Gary Guzzler ran the media wing of Goldman Sachs. The SEC rarely issues fines, and when they do they collect roughly half of the fines issues.

SEC fines are the cost of doing business.

🍇🦧Grape Ape! 🍇🦧

They don't even have to report what options they purchase. The reporting became optional a couple years ago.

At first glance I thought that was woody Allen and his daughter.

This is more wholesome

So half a flat....

How much marbling does it have?

With flats, I'd worry about dryness more than bark.

Dry brine Rub After 3 hrs - Texas crutch.

Pull when tender, not at a certain temp.

If it comes out dry..... Chop it up for chili. Terlingua Chili mix is my go to.

There is a long list of recommended knives, and other gear on the amazing ribs website . Anything with a gold or platinum rating is generally pretty solid

The powers that be want us fighting a manufactured culture war so that we don't realize we're losing an economic war.

🍇🦧Grape Ape! 🍇🦧

Is it a crime, if the rule isn't enforced?

🍇🦧Grape Ape! 🍇🦧

I can't confirm that's his middle name...... But the SEC does/did pay for a lot of adult content subscriptions

Job hunting tips

1) resume needs to be ATS compliant AND be a good match with the bots. You can check it with site like . You have to tweak words. Sometimes just changing the tense of a word can boost your score. Aim for at least an 80% match.

2) even with a good match, you still need internal advocates to help get on the short list. You gotta network to get work!

3) often, high level jobs aren't even posted until the company has their candidate picked out. That sucks, but that's the way it is.

4) the higher up the job is, the longer the job search can take. The rule of thumb I used to hear (from job search groups that keep stats) is expect a 1 month job search for a $30k/year job and expect an additional month for each additional $10k in salary. I think those numbers are a little low and out dated, but you get the point.

5) you're mid-career. I dont think it's age

6) if you're getting interviews then your resume application is working. If you're not getting second interviews, then it's other steps in the process that need work.

Check out Orville Pearson's book on highly effective job search.

7) applying to jobs online is the least effective way to find a job. If that's all you're doing, it's going to take longer.

Your job right now is to market yourself. You are the product! No one knows the product better than you!!

8) while you're looking, try to generate consulting work. That can also open doors.

Hit me up if there's anything I can shed light on

Job search sucks. Keep your head up. Take care of yourself.

Good luck

If you're going to negotiate, it's helpful to have documentation/data. Something like a salary survey for your skill set and years of experience.

XXX Club

Yup. Larry often tweets about general good practices and advice. Not everything is GME specific

We're MAGAts. We believe in NOTHING

Don't forget the sexual assault. He was also found liable (guilty) of sexual assault.

And guilty of defaming the lady he assaulted.

The jury voted unanimously for him!!! He got 100% of the votes!!!!

Very bigly of him

You'll get this question a lot. Figure out an answer and practice it.

I get this as well.

The last 8 years my industry has been in a downturn and slow recovery. I've pieced together a lot of 1-2 year contract roles. Many folks I know, who are better than I am, have left the industry completely.

Focus on telling the story of the projects and what you've learned. Emphasize being able to get up to speed quickly on things. Highlight the insights from seeing how different companies address similar problems.

No one wants to hire someone, bring them in, get them up to speed, and have them leave.

So part of your story also needs to hit that you saw the projects/jobs to completion. You didn't bail out.

Depends on what it is.

There are only 2 of us, and my wife doesn't like left overs. So generally I smoke smaller portions.

If I get pork butts, I'll slice them, dry brine, season, and vacuum seal and freeze half. Smoke the other half. The frozen half can go right from the freezer to the smoker. Smoke sticks to cold things better.

For briskets, I'll separate the point from flat. Smoke the point and set the flat to cure. The next weekend, the flat will get smoked into pastrami.

So a brisket will feed us for 2 weeks.

When I reheat the left overs I will put a portion in the air fryer at 200, or chop, heat in a skillet and use it in tacos, or something.

Ribs..... We rarely have left overs but slice individually and air fryer at 200, OR slice meat off the bone and heat in skillet like

For chicken - air fryer at 350.