What happened to the Yellowstone Research Coordination Network site?

When I try to go to the site I get connection refused. Did the University take it down?


thanks. Wasn't too concerned about the glass surfing until one died. Maybe just a coincidence? I figured the glass surfing was because they're new to the tank and they'd settle down after a bit.

Help with Dead Guppy and glass surfing

Hoping for some advice. I have a 20g freshwater tank that's been up and running for about 2 months, moderately planted (maybe 10+ plants) with some driftwood, a couple of big rocks and 2 catappa leaves, sponge filter from Aquarium Coop. Parameters are 0,0,0. pH 8.0, 72 F. Up until two days ago I only had neocaridina, which are doing ok despite some losses. On Tuesday we put 6 male guppies in from the LFS (not a chain). They immediately started glass surfing, almost all day. Today (Thursday) one died and the rest are still surfing. Called the LFS and while they offered to replace the guppy, they didn't have much advice to offer. I suggested low oxygen but they said I'd see them surface surfing, not up and down the glass. i'm worried about the survivors and don't want to get the replacement fish until I figure it out or they calm down. Any thoughts?

Help with Dead Guppy and glass surfingHelp/Advice

Hoping for some advice. I have a 20g freshwater tank that's been up and running for about 2 months, moderately planted (maybe 10+ plants) with some driftwood, a couple of big rocks and 2 catappa leaves, sponge filter from Aquarium Coop. Parameters are 0,0,0. pH 8.0, 72 F. Up until two days ago I only had neocaridina, which are doing ok despite some losses. On Tuesday we put 6 male guppies in from the LFS (not a chain). They immediately started glass surfing, almost all day. Today (Thursday) one died and the rest are still surfing. Called the LFS and while they offered to replace the guppy, they didn't have much advice to offer. I suggested low oxygen but they said I'd see them surface surfing, not up and down the glass. i'm worried about the survivors and don't want to get the replacement fish until I figure it out or they calm down. Any thoughts?

Huh, it's super small and not much chance I'll find it again unless it gets bigger. the tank is still cycling so I'm not ready to add any fish yet that would eat it. Hopefully it doesn't turn into a fly before I can get the tank cycled. Thank you for your help

yeah, was floating and wriggling

Thank you. I understand those are pretty harmless?

Stocking list for planted 20 galHelp/Advice

Here's what I'm thinking for a 20 gallon heavily planted tank. See any problems? Seem ok?

6 x Endler (Poecilia wingei)

6 x Kuhli Loach (Pangio kuhlii)

6 x Chili Rasbora (Boraras brigittae)

10 x Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina heteropoda)

1 x Oto (Otocinclus vittatus)