looking for a lvl 50+ tribe! TRIBES

88943268AE (mobile), will get to lvl 50 each week and looking for a tribe that requires everyone too as well! pls just tribes that kick people who don’t

should i save keys?:snoo_thoughtful: Question

i have 26 keys rn, should i save them for a sale? i remember one a few months where each dipster was only one or two keys, is that a yearly thing? also is it worth waiting for if it is a yearly thing?

88943268ae T4T daily (mobile)

pls only add me if you’ll actually do t4t, i’m on daily and give friends who keep up w torches keys :)

88943268ae (mobile) T4T daily MOBILE 📱

pls only add me if you’ll actually do t4t, i’m on daily and give friends who keep up w torches keys :)

wubbox sales:snoo_thoughtful: Question

does anyone know if there’s a time of year i should look out for the half off wubboxs?

i definitely feel like it’s past time for me to start working on them but spending 75k just seems like way too much

yes but only if u cut off the buttons

i just give them guest! as someone who works hard on cool builds, it’s really not hurting anything for them to like my build and want to see inside. (except for when they leave every single door open🫠)

just an update i checked the textbook question the exam question was modeled after, and indeed, it was supposed to say rate constant

i totally get what you’re saying, and will try to bring it up tmrw. the issue is that’s our final and i doubt he’ll be there before the test starts (so idk if i’ll have time to say anything).

the way i solved it detailed in this post is different than how i solved it on the test, but regardless, historically when he’s made a mistake on a question he’s given everyone full credit for the question regardless of their answer, so hopefully that wouldn’t affect giving points back.

and thank you so much for all your help trying to decipher the answer! i really appreciate it

thank you, i forgot about A as we did this months ago🫠. i’m now thinking my professor meant to write “rate constant” instead of “rate” for 3.32x10-10 1/s. however, this question was one of 9 on a previous exam that’s 25% of our grade, so do you think this error on his part would be egregious enough to ask for points back? just because if this is the case getting points back would raise my final grade by 2.25 points. but, ik he’d be pissed at me for asking

if k2 is the rate constant at 40°C how can k1 be the rate at 25°C?

oh i thought k was the rate constant? and A was the rate?

the way i do this is just with pillars to make a wall

yeah their excuse for changing the jobs was basically “we’re fucking over long term players to help new ones advance” clearly ignoring that they could’ve just made it require less deliveries to level up

the summer thermal shorts are so short in the back literally half my ass is always out🫠 so i wouldn’t

honestly i’m so pissed, shouldn’t be allowed. also the fact that the marvelous mood doesn’t exempt from the fee is ridiculous

wait so the excellent employee doesn’t do anything now???

guys a way around this is to make multiple tiny ones!! then if you’re still left w one space fill w the basic shapes

at least clean the crust off your conch before you post a pic of it💀