All Vallejo model color with army painter washes

The poses are great. The fact that I have 114 more Victrix mini's to go? Not so great 😐

You know why it's rare to find mass graves in Europe from all the pre industrial wars? For example Waterloo had about 50.000 deaths in a single day, but no corpses. They did have a sugar refining industry nearby that used bones to bleach the sugar, odd coincidence..

Roofvogel/valkenier workshop vond ik echt heel gaaf!

You don't expect them to sail to the west indies wth an empty cargo do you? Do you know what a gallon of wind cost back then!?

Nu ben ik benieuwd. Welk artikel?

Mfutre Imple Du Klingenthal Mai 1813

It's an abbreviation for "Manufacture Imperiale du Klingenthal mai 1813"

Or made at Klingenthal in May 1813 by imperial order

The true hussar sabres varried in blade length and curve. The thing they all have in common is a D shaped grip. If you google 'French hussar sabre' you'll grt plenty of hits.

I think the biggest gripe was loss of individuality, the new sabres were the first attempt at standardisation. And the fact that they were now equipped exactly the same as the chasseurs a cheval and line lancers.

The D grip was also shared with hussars of other nations and found it's origin in Hungary. It was like taking their pelisse. Or even worse: equipping the chasseurs with the pelisse!

Thanks! Before buying it I spent about a week going through known reproductions and comparing it to this item, even though it was listed by a well respected Parisian auction house.

I bought it for €700 at a French auction in 2015. There are webshops that specialise in historical military items that list them around €1500.

Thanks! I sold a M1777 Charleville musket(standard French infantry arm). It was beautiful a I deeply regret it. The money it raised was spent during the renovation of my house. If I had to do it again I would stick it out for another month or so. Also had a klingenthal and a versailles infantry briquet with scabbard.

I still have a lot of watercolours and prints from the period. Also a load of buttons and coins.

Oh and two 12 pounder cannonballs bought from a nice lady from Charleroi (near Waterloo).

I still dream of a Cuirassier sabre, but I wouldn't get the wife pass to display it anyway.

It looks like they tried to show one of each main cavalry type. Selecting a guard unit wherever possible.

The only main cavalry type that is missing are the chasseurs a cheval. There also was a guard chasseurs a cheval regiment. Which was actually Napoleons personal bodyguard. He often wore the colonels uniform of this unit (your lead Napoleon is wearing this too)

So that would be the most obvious choice in my opinion. If they wanted to get exotic it is also possible to have a guard mameluk in there. They retained their uniform from the Egyptian campaign. They formed one squadron in the guard chasseurs a cheval I mentioned earlier.

Is your head spinning yet?

The empty spaces were both solved right? A marshal and an empress dragoon.

Ooh I love this question

  • G2 Lancier polonais
  • -- 8th hussar is missing
  • F6 Grenadier a Cheval guard
  • A1 12th hussar
  • E4 Cuirassier trumpeter
  • D3 Carabinier porte aigle
  • C7 Napoleon
  • H9 Murat (tiger skin is kinda his thing)
  • F6 Marshall of France (could be any one of them)
  • I5 Empress guard dragoons

Uniforms are mostly correct.

The Netherlands

"It's not genocide, because the victims are still within the walls we put up"

Heh what?