The organizer says "The next time someone throws something, I'll ban them forever".

But saying that means nothing other than that you don't have the balls to ban the guy right now.

It will continue until you actually ban someone.

The only controversy is about why he hasn't been banned from future competitions.

The Watering Hole has one electronic board. I haven't noticed any place with steel tip darts at all in New Braunfels.

Yes, you could run a town like this. You could also ban electricity and indoor plumbing. But I wouldn't want to live there.

If life were fair, we could feed them to lions.

You need to go to the cops. You need to dispute the bills with any credit cards opened in your name. You need to freeze your credit.

Just so you know, it's usually a family member. And if you try to help protect them, they will get away with it, and your score will suffer.

They won't be able to get an account on their own. But they can with a parents help.

Most banks will do joint accounts and/or custodial accounts. I recommend you talk to the bank you are already using.

I would just be using it to send to friends/family. I guess I'll keep writing checks any time that Zelle is too much hassle due to their low limit.

That $800 in collections is a huge red flag. It's your problem, and I'm surprised your score shows as high as it does.

Some people love the easy out of believing there is a magical genie who wants to personally take care of them.

Reality doesn't matter to those people.

lol. If someone asked to buy my soul, I'd take the money. We just need to negotiate price.


I would expect that if if this were going to hit A's credit card, it would already be showing.

The full version of that song has some horrible lyrics. Clearly written by someone looking for an excuse to commit murder.

Yes, you are expressing your opinion. I think we all know exactly what your opinion is.

In the movie, the gangbangers who were about to slice him to pieces were also expressing their opinion.

The punishment for that sign probably won't be jail.

This isn't something to worry about. Small fluctuations happen, usually tied to utilization. When you are ready to finance a car, you can fully pay off all your cards to bring your score as high as possible. Honestly, I don't think it would make any difference.

Only having one card is a bigger issue, plus it's a recent card by credit score standards. And of course, your income, which isn't part of your score at all, will matter.

When these people demand a supervisor, I wish the cops would tell them "He is at our station, and that is where I am taking you."

lol. The guy who was replying to me wrote several responses, then blocked me. He can't even cope with someone disagreeing with him, and is saying nonsense about how I'm trying to murder bikers.

To me, when life is over, it's just over. There isn't anything after, and therefore there isn't anything to be scared of.

Their claim is that kidnapping and holding them isn't a felony in certainly countries. Your example doesn't prove them right at all.

And it may be true in some places. I don't know. I just think it's silly to make that claim, with no evidence it's true, and then expect other people to provide the evidence.

It's not like they asked if it's true. They stated it's true, but seem to have no idea where.

Wire transfers are $30 from discover, and similar from the brick n mortar bank I use.

Paypal may work. I'll look more into that. Zelle works great other than the low limit.

It seems silly in this day and age to have to either write a check, pay $30, or spend several days sending $600 at a time.