For the hundredth time - it’s the RESTAURANT that jacks up the prices, NOT DD. Doesn’t matter what delivery service, it happens on all of them because the delivery services are not raising the price, the restaurant itself is. I personally just don’t order from my local restaurants that do it.

I get that notification still, but whereas it used to be almost immediate, now I sometimes wonder WTF because it will say heading to you and it takes 5-10 min for any ‘delivering another order’ thing shows up. So you’re just starting to get WTF annoyed and it might still take a few more min before you see it. I’m coming to the point where I’m just going to assume on every order that whatever delivery time it says, it’ll be at least 15-20 min more. Sometimes I might be happily surprised.

In the US, mostly only in the Southern States. If it happens elsewhere in the US a military academy or a doomsday prepper family is in the picture, maybe in a polygamous sisterwives ‘family.’ The average American kid didn’t do and doesn’t do ‘sir’ or ‘ma’am’ instead of mom, dad or whatever.

I see people using little original head canon bits I’ve written, minor original characters, things like that, and I get a kick out of it and the idea that people liked it enough to make my head canon, fanon. There are times I’ve posted a fic I’d been working on for months, only to discover later general similarities to an existing work I’d never seen. There are only just so many tropes in fanfiction, and that’s narrowed down even further when you get into specific fandoms by time period, reality, drama or fantasy, etc. To me, plagiarism is literally trying to pass other people’s original words off as your own - copying and pasting large blocks of text either verbatim or changing a word or two.

The only responsibility an author has on AO3 is to tag the basics (the basics as defined by AO3 as you are getting ready to post your fic) or say ‘Chose Not To Use Warnings.’ And to not post anything that breaks Federal laws. That’s it. The rest is on the readers.

I’ve posted before about the seeming ‘drive’ to push this sub into the stereotypical ‘every asexual is aromantic, sex-repulsed and sex-averse’ model, which is of course also the mainstream belief about asexuality in the first place, not to mention WRONG. Some seem to not want there to be a spectrum at all, with the only valid POV being theirs. There are plenty of ACEs who have sex, masturbate, are romantic, watch porn and other sexual activities. So 💩ing on any and all sexual activity or thoughts is actually 💩ing on their own identified community. I think quite a bit of it is done to stir the pot and because they are allowed to stir it in a ‘public’ place. Don’t give it more attention than it deserves and don’t reward it. If the reaction isn’t what they want, perhaps they’ll start their own sub.

It seems to be relatively common, happens to me pretty much 70% of the time at least. i understand the reasons it happens. I never order anything delivered after 3 pm and live in an ordinary neighborhood, so safety isn’t really a concern for me. If they’re doing something they shouldn’t be, I couldn’t care less as long as my food gets delivered as I requested.

It will get the audience it attracts/deserves. A very young one.

I did do that the last time😉

Very ‘neat,’ that excuse that the OP is Asian and ‘never been outta my lil’ hamlet so I wouldn’t knooowwww…’ I’d say it’s pretty impossible, in 2024 (and decades before it) for anyone in a not-Third-World country to not be blindingly aware that the n-word is a no-go anywhere ever unless you are racist (minus very minor use by Black rappers). Pretty much, no one who wasn’t a racist would even think of posting something using the n-word to others who are not racist. In the US there is has been a lot of bigotry from Asians towards Black people, including a race riot in LA not that many years ago where Asian business owners discriminated against Black customers and were just..racist. It’s not a joke and I don’t care how much OP makes excuses about their ‘innocence.’ Meh…

When someone does that to me, I pull back into the space and kill the engine, and sit for however long it takes them to leave and then I leave.

It’s a unisex name. I have always loved it for a girl, and I hope you decide to keep it. If you have qualms, give her an obviously female middle name.

No. Not every fic is for everyone. If something annoys me I stop reading and go on about my day. The author is not going to change a thing because I commented negatively

I read and write in fandoms I really like, as in like a lot😉. I have found fandoms after they’ve stopped airing or being talked about and have written in those no longer current fandoms. People still kudo’d & commented. I still get the occasional kudo or comment on things I wrote 30+ years ago. People are either into the source material or they’re not, and I don’t think that changes especially if it’s something they just discovered. I will never understand wanting to read fandom-blind.

I would also tell DD you don’t want to ever be given a delivery there again.

I’m aware they’re not the same, since I’ve eliminated the Ultra at this point due to price. Thanks for the info. Will read up on the OnePlus. I have researched the Xiaomi but haven’t seen reports from users.

You’d be surprised. Common courtesy hasn’t been common for a while now, same as common knowledge and common sense😉. BTW, I worked in a HOSPITAL both times. A HOSPITAL. And no one helped.

Need input on Samsung Galaxy Tab S9+ vs iPad Pro.Discussion

I have a 2022 11 inch iPad Pro. I’m a heavy user as far as time, i.e. probably 15 hrs/day, so that affects screen and battery over time. I have issues sometimes with the Apple ecosystem malfunctioning AFAIC, for me. I’ve been looking at the S9+ Ultra but don’t really want to spend that much on a ‘backup tablet.’ I tried using a Chromebook and hated it. My Fire tablet is a joke. So, if anyone has experience with both, my main concerns are screen quality, screen brightness, and battery life. So many tablets just don’t get bright enough (old eyes), and I’m spoiled by Apple’s screens. I don’t really expect the Galaxy Tab S9+ to be as good as the iPad Pro, though they say the Ultra is pretty darn close. But I can’t spend that kind of money on the purchase, so wonder just how close/how good I can get at a more sane price. Are people happy with their not-quite-as-good Samsungs?

I had to take my kitty in for euthanasia to a place we’d never been before. I never in a million years would have expected a condolence card under those circumstances, but I received one and was touched they sent it even though I wasn’t a regular client.

I’m thinking you’re completely unaware that servers in nice restaurants make a LOT of money. Julia has no issues with it, apparently. But of course, she has to be flawed and/or irrelevant for your gotcha to work.

Attention-seeking, in any/every way possible is the basic essence of being online. The tounger the generation, the more this is true. people who literally grew up seeing EVERYONE do it - why wouldn’t they also do it, and perpetuate it.

Another ‘How To Order’ questionQuestion

I want fries with lots of spread and lots of onions, but no cheese. I have been saying animal style but no cheese, and extra spread and extra onions. What I get seems to actually be considerably LESS sauce and absolutely LESS onions, than most of the photos I’ve seen. How should I be ordering to get fries with a lot of spread and onions, no cheese? Should I say double or triple onions & spread? I’ve never received ‘a lot’ or double of anything just by asking for ‘extra.’ Help.