And the hard part about this is the every day injured athletes will think “this is what I need to do when I’m injured.” I get that she’s a pro and maybe we can give her more leeway, but still seems obsessive to me. I remember David Roche recently praising her cross-training on the SWAP podcast which seems so out of character for his “more rest is better!” ethos.

Thank you for summing up entirely how I feel, and I’ve heard from multiple first-hand sources from former athletes about the deleted training logs. They are all “YOU ARE AWESOME” as long as you love and worship them, but moment you want to give feedback or any kind of criticism, you are immediately the enemy.

If I was one of their athletes, I feel like I’d never be able to trust a recommendation without a side-eye, wondering whether they have a financial incentive. The Feed is more innocuous, so maybe they are learning but they need to ditch AG1 IMO

Ahhhh that would make sense about the tags. Not sure if she edited her post because I didn’t originally see that

And Megan just changed her IG handle to “drmeganroche” - has to be related, right?

I’m not sure they DID tell their athletes outright. Just saw Amelia Boone post about using it for her 100 miler last year, so seems like some athletes didn’t get the memo.

Agree with Koop but I think he crossed the line into personal attacks on the Roches. Should they have done better? Absolutely, and he has valid points. But it just got too extreme. I’d be so curious to hear how their athletes feel! Did they tip them off earlier that they should avoid Awesomesauce? If they knew it was bogus, I would hope so!

Oh Sage 😂😂. Well-meaning but I never want to hear about his Cornell degree again

The company’s silence (and the silence of all of their athletes) is deafening

I’ve seen SIS recommended as well but the fake sugar thing threw me off- seems counterintuitive for a gel? I really love Never Second actually - sits really well for me!

I’m invested in the steeple trials…would love to see Allie O in the mix!

Definitely. I think it takes a bit more work to find that, but it’s out there.

If it helps I just checked my Inside Tracker dashboard and it says “optimized” is:

Vitamin D: 30-100 Ferritin: 60-232

Definitely not - I got suckered in with a promotion and was so underwhelmed at the “recommendations.” It was all basic stuff you could have googled yourself (eat more fiber! Get more sleep!)

If you have one, ask your PCP to order labs or use something like Marek Health where you can build your own lab panels for cheap and have them taken at LabCorp. (Its like $15 to get Vitamin D and ferritin done, for example)

She served a doping ban as a triathlete (claimed tainted supplement, which could be true). Accusations of cheating at Badwater and cutting a course at a road race. Nothing has ever been proved (other than the doping), but it’s been a pattern…

If anyone could do it, I’d say she could! But yeah, steeple has generally always been a “young” athlete sport so could be a tough road. I’d love to see her move up in distance at some point!

Oh I definitely feel this. I think it’s a product of the algorithm - people see that their big existential posts get a lot of engagement so they feel the need to make every post like that. I kinda hate what it’s become.

Camille Herron has also mentioned it (though I don’t think I’ve seen her offer an advice to claim to be an expert!). I think discussing it is great, but should always end with “consult with your doc”

I’ve used the Australian Gold tinted - it works well for me. Only downside is it feels pretty heavy on the face and you need to double cleanse to remove it.

I was really looking forward to see how she would do on the trails! The buttery California trails would have been a good transition from the roads and suited her well

I missed The Feed plug - that’s gross. I guess maybe I get the announcement since she’s in a weird situation with the race tomorrow so I can see why she would want to share instead of make up an excuse. It’s good she didn’t race anyway!

FWIW, I also have it through AAA and got the email. Do you have multiple memberships? If not, they may not send to you.

Do you want influencers or pro trail athletes? I enjoy a lot of the pros, influencers not as much. Though maybe the line is blurred these days…

I think you can do it through Rhonda Patrick’s free reports on FoundMyFitness

Ugggggh. Don’t get me started on AG1. And sadly some well-respected runners promote it too, despite the fact the company refuses to submit to independent testing of their products and there are allegations of way too much lead in there as well.

Yup. I live at almost 8000ft in a different state and dug myself into a huge hole the first two years I was here - overtraining to the max. It took me almost a decade to really figure it out, sadly.