Yeah if he didn't know I knew all about him that'd be pretty valuable since even though he's so smart he'd never guess he was manhua character to me lol

Well being reincarnated into his world would make me a fated chosen one so my only option is to make myself seem useful. He'd most likely get a status window of where I'm from but I'm not sure if it would say I know his entire story so I'd have that as an advantage.

You do realize that you being reincarnated there makes you a fated chosen one. Also a few kilometres is like 1 second for him lmao he can traverse worlds. You would be fodder for Gu Changhe based on this mentality.

Having a bowl of nails for breakfast....without any milk.

Too many words for a one liner. Should've said "At least I don't look like Soulja boy"

The Sauce: Ultimate Soldier

If you like that sweet dopamine release that you desperately crave. Otherwise no.

This cafe about to start the Great Pirate Era

Some dogs have one braincell and it's called "Yap at every speck of dust that moves"

Being surrounded by 25 thugs and taking them all out before I finally collapse.

Well it's like saying episode 700 of One Piece when there's over 1100 lol

What do you mean? Only you exist. This is just a simulation you're trapped in.

You obviously don't adhere to your cats boundaries if this is relatable.

No I wouldn't consider any of them his wife even though she portrays as his wife to the public he doesn't love her.

I feel like the people holding these opinions didn't even read it. I'm only on 340 and she isn't that bad of a character.

There's other fmc, he goes to different dimensions all the time but if you are talking about the pink haired woman she initially doesn't like him, but in one "simulation" that mc goes through she does sacrifice her life for him. Also the cheating is debatable since they aren't technically in love. Mc doesn't care for her that much. I'm on ch 340 though so I don't know after that.

Are tall people the peasants to short kings or are we at least common folk?

I'm 25 and I remember the transition from Blockbuster to Netflix in the mail, kids these days will never understand they will never be as cool as me when I had to wait 5 days to get my new Season of Psych.

Yeah I usually only kill spiders and ants when necessary. They have infested my neighborhood so I have no choice since they will literally bite me at night. But in doing so I have less guilt than if I was exterminating a butterfly nest.

Indeed most humans base their morals on how beautiful/cute something is. I'd assume you wouldn't kill a butterfly?

I'm actually the opposite, I see people from afar and think they are taller than me but then I walk past them and I'm about the same or taller. I was short throughout highschool (5'2 - 5'7) and then grew to 6'1 though so my perspective of height got skewed.