Mixing and mastering isn’t that hard if you know what you’re doing. I do all my mixing and mastering without having to resource

Same… as much as I want to love Apple, it’s sluggish compared to Spotify

I like the simulation of the early game, but I wouldn't mind an option to choose where to start.

Exactly. Utility will control your volume automations while your channel volume remains untouched until you want to either raise or lower the volume. Your utility will automate the values on whatever you change the main volume knob to.

What if I told you the release date kept getting pushed back another decade? Would you call it a scam then?

A little off topic here, but I would recommend using a utility for channel volume automations. That way you won't run into any issues if you need to set the channel volume down during your mixdown.

How much more customization for base building is there compared to the first two games?

They do not. You need a forester.

I have a 20 in-game year save file where I started a logging camp early game without a forester and trees are still missing in that area.

That's literarily their whole strategy when it comes to game pass. Xbox is a dying brand, and microsoft is going all in on gamepass as a product.

What they should’ve done is put the older cods on gamepass but keep the new one on sale

Have you been living under a rock?

They tried doing that but they went through a whole lawsuit with Playstation since COD titles do better on Playstation in terms of sales.

Canadian politicians Justin Trudeau appear to be facing increased harassment, intimidation