Misleading email from her! But at least there's a good discount on her other stuff! I did my best, comrade, to spread the news.

Well, I'm a little fanatic about this, so I believe after reading the studies that Covid can be contracted via fomites and possibly food.

I never eat out.

I only get delivery if I can ever afford to get food delivered.

Whatever food I have, I heat up at 350โ€“375ยฐ for 45 minutes at least to kill everything. There is other nastiness out there like measles right now.

I no longer eat raw fruits and vegetables because one, I have no access to them, and two, I have no way to properly disinfect them and I'm immunocompromised. I can disinfect things like apples and cherries and stone fruits by dipping them in hypochlorous acid solution , and letting them dry for two minutes and then rinsing, but I have no access to that food nor can I afford. So I can only eat cooked vegetables and fruit.

If it's food that cannot be heated up, I usually leave it in the fridge for 24 hours before I touch it. And I only do that very rarely and I pray to God that I don't get Covid from it. Example: friends dropped off a couple of cupcakes the day before yesterday for me. I totally disinfected the box with hypochlorous acid, left them in the fridge for 24 hours, took them out last night and peeled off the paper lining, and then ate them and prayed to God that I wasn't about to end my life with Covid. I still feel weird about it today and very anxious.

I have super sensitive skin so I can't use that but thank you for the tip! Thank you for telling me that, I appreciate your sweetness.


They are both post docs in STEM. I sent them study after study and they knew me and trusted me. They mask up. They use Enovid when they can afford it. They know I always come with receipts and I always update them on how bad Covid is. They are absolutely gems.

It helps that they are a couple and that they are both extremely wonderful, kind, and caring people from marginalized backgrounds, who understand the dangers, and who believe the science. At this point, they tell me "just tell us, we know you always have receipts, you don't even need to send us the studies unless we ask for them. "

I am absolutely blessed. I don't know whether they are evangelizing that education and I don't know if they are always 100% universally Covid cautious when they are camping and stuff like that but in the city they seem to be and they certainly always are around me, they always mask around me, even outdoors, they are always willing to do that happily, I show them what brands of masks to buy, they buy masks in bulk at Costco that fit them, and they are just really good people. I've educated them about ableism and eugenics and the connections to Nazism and all of that and being marginalized people immediately.

They know Covid spreads outdoors because I sent them the Chinese night market study that was peer reviewed. I sent them the figures about burning man. Etc.

They have never once pushed back. And they mask in common areas of the building too to keep me safer.

I mean by using things like Rakuten. Credit card rewards. Things like that. I'm poor, I do whatever I can to save money. Good luck.

No, the BBB actually has some authority that people actually still use. It's one of many tools, including leaving one star Amazon reviews.

Earl's Cannon Fodder Brigade

I was hoping so.


EXACTLY. Also, I imagine, the constant worrying/concern about Luke and not knowing how Leia is doing. The grief and not being able to hold your friends's, your little brother's, son and daughter in your hands and protect them. Being a sentinel is lonely. Very lonely. No one to understand you. Knowing that all your Jedi friends are gone, at least that's what you think. Living under fascism is very depressing, I speak from firsthand experience.

"I have ONE disabled friend therefore, I know everything about disabled people" is the new "I have a Black friend therefore I am authorized to speak with authority on issues affecting Black folks and also immediately not racist.," you are disgusting. The fact that you don't know that is so embarrassing for you, I have secondhand embarrassment. But then again you're fash, I owe you nothing.

Yeah, I figured out my idiocy a few minutes after I posted that comment last night and looked at the image and it was right there. I have egg on my face. I am so red right now.

That doesn't negate anything I said. Of course banks will be closed on a federal holiday.

Exactly. I watched the episode again and the space nausea medicine exchange was actually kind of amusing. you could also read it that she does get sick and hyperspace, but doesn't want to admit it, but a Jedi just doesn't have that much ego and as you said, I haven't read the novels, but thank you for that lore, that makes sense.

I don't know, I stack discounts and use codes. And some things are marked down 50% off in the sale section already.

Exactly. My policy is to just shut up until I get to speak to my doctor.

Honey, I have complex PTSD, I have small fiber, neuropathy, mycotoxin poisoning, and so much more along with OCD. I understand brain fog and fatigue very well. I promise you if when you have the energy if you go back and say, give me your differential diagnosis and how you came to that differential diagnosis, please write down in my chart that I requested per CDC guidelines, my second vaccine and you refused, please notate that in the chart while I am in the room and show it to me, please write down your differential diagnosis and tell me how you came to those diagnosis and what processes and decision-making you used come to that decision. Then invoke the ADA and a CMS complaint if they accept Medicare.

I'm so sorry you're going through it , sweetheart.

Oh my God, this is just ludicrous. I'm not reading all that, sorry that happened, or happy for you though, etc., good night and Godspeed. Have a wonderful night and a good tomorrow. Truly. Disengaging, please don't comment at me again and have a good life.


I could be your auntie! I will give you all the tips. I know to save money since I'm poor! It's OK, there are hacks that I find out every day that I should've known way back in 1996! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ You are not expected to know everything, and good for your mama! I hope you find other good hauls and if so, show us. Don't forget to use Rakuten or some other cashback app too! Because starting tomorrow cashback will likely go up to 10 or 15% on Rakuten, etc.

Absolutely not. That's gross to me. She's so young. It's OK for women to do a little thirst. Because our thirst gaze has been hidden for 100s of years. The female gaze is having a resurgence, the male gaze is out of style, that kind of objectification. ๐Ÿ˜‚ You're being crude and gross with terminology, bruv. All I said was show us his gorgeous back. Because objectively speaking according to probably 95% of the women on this planet, Manny Jacinto is one of the most physically beautiful men on the planet.

Don't hate the player, hate the game. I hope you enjoy the rest of the show. So it seems you don't object to crudeness and "porn" as long as it's Amandla? I'm honestly honestly confused.

Anyway, comrade, have a lovely night and lovely day tomorrow. Truly.

We are not talking about his Z that he makes with his sword. We are talking about the use of his whip.

Imagine demanding someone do labor for you in 2024 and then getting snotty about it, respectfully. Peoples time is valuable. Have a lovely Fourth of July.

You're a real one, comrade. The ableism is so gross from him. The insults. Use the block button. Why are we letting teenagers stress us out on our damn phones and tablets?! ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿฉต๐Ÿ’›