Add a helmet and you have Helldivers

You have half brother. That's it.

Saying cousin is once removed. But he isn't. He's directly related by a common parent.

You can't be both directly related and indirectly related

Your genetic relationship takes priority of the closer genetic familia. That's why you are half siblings, and not cousins.

And 3/4 brother is not possible unless your aunt is a biological identical twin of your mother.

It can't make them cousins, they are half siblings. That's it.

That's like saying their dad and mother are also uncle and, no they aren't. Step mother for 3, Father for 4, Mother of 1.

Had a girl like this in my high school. She wore makeup specifically to draw attention to herself. She always claimed it was an identity, but I think it was really to mask her inability to actually wear makeup or have the skills to apply makeup correctly. So she always put white and black on because the contrast was easier to do than trying to tone correctly to her complexion. She didn't wear makeup at all at graduation, which made her completely invisible to everyone else. They couldn't spot her in a crowd, and nobody noticed her when she crossed the stage.

Some people don't clear the bridge correctly and hit the concrete footers just a few feet under the water surface, or a sandbar, or a boat, or random drift wood, or other unknown danger.

I have a user that complains that screen tearing makes it impossible for her to do her job.

She had 32 Excel windows open, chrome and Firefox open playing videos on mute but with CC and wondes why her PC has a momentary issue where it may lag when opening Outlook where it blacks out during animations. And when that happens, she can't work at all.

Also complains that her chair isn't ergonomic even though we've had government out that has said it is and she just needs to sit properly. Today, she want to know if there was a way that we could make it so she doesn't slide out of her chair seat, every time she wears leggings.

Just another guy who eye oogle some topless women and his wife/girlfriend got upset so he decided to sue to prove it wasn't because he wanted to look at them, but because Madonna forced him to.

I always thought these were funny, not because it's very beautiful women making fun on penis sizes, but because you're pissing all over their shoes.

Good jokes, bad setup and presentation

In my non-expert opinion, it looks like a bald man is walking toward the camera and a smaller person, possibly a woman, it's clinging on to his arm. He is trying to shake off the woman multiple times, twisting and turning, trying to get her to let go. Every time he does it she comes back and clings harder. One of the final attempts is she comes up and tries to grab him from the back, probably jumping on him and trying to put him in a neck hold. It's hard to tell if that's what's actually happening. But the man is able to center his weight and flip the women over himself and onto the ground. He then attempts to leave heading away from the camera. She eventually gets up and chases after him.

I would say that without any other context, this looks like he is trying to get away. And she is the aggressor.

But there could be context not provided in the video. For instance he is holding items, and he could be someone who has stolen them and trying to walk away calmly as if they are his. And she could be trying to stop him.

It's important to know context to videos like this, to determine if or what is actually happening.

Literally Quid Pro Quo...Oil industry gives him campaign money, and he promises to reverse climate policies to ban electric vehicles. Money for Favors.

At time of arrest. He was 71 or 72 when he started his slingshot terror campaign

I did, but she wasn't listening due to the fact that she was getting DP'd by two super hot vampires

Because vampires can't cum without permission to pass the threshold of your home.

Wait...fuck...sorry I got the wording wrong.