they used her for FGO panels for a long time now. she probably knows more Fate terms than a good number of the player base XD

HN tea is good for their fruit tea.

TP tea hasn't leave a strong impression tbh.

Not sure why people call Bako Orobae clone. its tea flavor is no where near as strong as Orobae even when you order strong tea flavor. I gave it three separate shots now, and it's consistently underwhelming.

depends on the city and your stops. I took public transit on and off for three years in college.

One of my bus stop was a university hospital. I have seem clearly mentally unwell passenger started yelling at everyone probably once a month.

Have seem physical altercation around twice a year, and on three occasions, blood were drawn and bus driver called the cops to have them removed from the bus.

Some routes are simply more problematic than others.

They really doesn't have to.

There was, and has always been products that is comparable to Noctua at 1/2 or 1/3 of the price of Noctua fans.

Scythe for example, while not popular in the USA, has been a long term competitor for Noctua at slightly worse louder fan noise. However, even given same noise level, the frequency may differ. Some none-Noctua fans hums like a mofo.

The D15 Gen 2 simply brought back the status quo of being the best performer.

the frequency of requiring voice acting is probably specified too low or not specified in contract. and SU’s recent push on more voice acting in new events may push the boundaries of the availability of a VA.

if you collect and read relics in game

first Nikkes were made from everyone. then men were deemed illegible due to high rate of mind switch.

then they narrow the demographic to women of all ages.

then narrow it down to younger women.

my theory is that Chatterbox was one of those first batch of male Nikkes.

I shopped around for my mortgage right before closing at end of 2020.

Called around 4 major banks/online mortgage, 2 credit union and another 4 or 5 people that I know worked in finance industry related to mortgage.

the WORST rate you will get with shit credit, is 4.25% at the time.

IIRC It was Cathy bank, they didn't care about your credit score as long as you have a year of employment history and debt to income checks out.

That guys has to really screw up to get 5.5% in said time period.

yup, either that person is lying or really,really fucked up his mortgage rate in 2020.

close to 45% of my mortgage goes toward the principal, when you factor in escrow, that's still 35% goes to the principal.

can google it. hard for me to link, just look up

“Shift Up postpones IPO, with its overdependence on NIKKE raising concerns about its sustainability”

basically too much of its income relies relies on Nikke

she will most likely be re-run in the same manner as last christmas event. as part of the new limited summer release character banner

the difference between glass pads really isn't that large, Unfortunately most of the top glass pads are on limited release.

the Padsmith Empress is probably one of the best balance glass pads that's commonly available. Skypad V4 aka Wallhack is the faster and smoother.

They have always been there, Shift Up just failed their IPO, so the kids glove are off and no more keeping it safe for the potential share holders.

more like 4th and 5th team with Darklet. Alice Redhood, maxwell, Modernia, Winter Lud taking team 1-3. Snowwhite still out damages reload team on bosses with double shot/ piercing spot. and shotgun team is catching up and out damage them on close range boss with no core.

however. Summer Anis is still one of the best PVP unita.

shift up failed their ipo. so future share opinion is no longer a concern in the foreseeable future

TBH with you, I don't use a cleaning mat, I use a 30" wide large printing paper. and cut a piece every time I do gun cleaning. Toss away the paper after every cleaning, keeping lead contamination to the minimum.

huh, I was under the impression that the Wraith Cosmic has no coating on it. just a new surface treatment.

they really didnt care so far. but its up to you to fix your game if their update breaks your game due to you having mod istalled.

and remember, even though Panda is not as powerful or fast as many other bear breeds, they are still bears.

That means they are still stronger and equally as fast (if not faster) than human.

They also have one of the highest bite strength in the animal kingdom, Ancient Chinese calls them the "Iron Eating Beast" for a reason.

time to see if the credit card you used to purchase the board has extended warranty

in one hand. i do expect some early failure rate with keyboard. Its electric after all. however, being a none complex electronic. Keychron is no longer a small brand. I expected it have a longer warranty than one year.

did some testing on union raid. very, very surprised that my shotgun team now out performs Dorothy quick shot team on close target.

on close enemies with no piercing bonus and all shots registered, shotgun team is getting there.

that 40 sec cool down reallllly killed her chances at being remotely competitive. Her kit need to be twice as good to even be considered in the SR five teams.