Dillon Jones ends up as a top 15 player in this draft.

Tbh the main concern for me about Matas is exactly this. There’s confidence and there’s being cocky and he comes across as the second one. This is not the first time he down talks Risacher. I don’t even really like Risacher as a prospect but talking shit about someone who put respectable numbers in what might be the best domestic league in europe while you weren’t even the best player on a G League this that was so bad to the point it was closed down is absolutely stupid. This attitude will get him nowhere in the league.

And you are missing Bane, Vassell, Avdija, Jaden Mcdaniels, Quickley, Toppin…

You asked about the draft as a whole. As of right now, I’m taking a draft that consists of Anthony Edwards, Lamelo Ball, Halliburton, Maxey over a draft that consists of Cade, Jalen Green, Mobley and Barnes.

I never said the 2021-2022 drafts are bad, I just think that If we look back in 15 years from now the 2020 draft won’t be the worst one out of them.

Hell no

You could argue for pretty much the entire mid 2000’s being worse (2004-2008). You can probably add the 2013,2015,2019 to that and it’s very probable that at least one of the 2021-2022 drafts will turn out worse in my opinion.

You posted this in about 30 different subs over the last 24 hours hoping you’ll hit on one of them. The truth is that the region had all sorts of those things happen to both sides.

I don’t give a shit about who you support, do whatever the hell you want, but you clearly spam all this to promote your political beliefs and not to contribute to the sub in any way.

This girl is clearly mentally ill, this kind of reaction is nothing short of insane. I hope she gets help despite her being a piece of shit.

When the Hamas Nazi pieces of shit abducted them. They were saying to them that they would not hurt them. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could pull the reddit post of that video, don’t know how to look for it.

Gotcha. It works for both sides then, they killed more than enough of our people for us to celebrate too when they’re being attacked, but for some reason I think that if that would happen we would see this at the front page of reddit with dozens of comments calling to ‘gas the jews’.

Yes. Israel’s GDP is around 550 billion dollars. The annual US aid for Israel is 3.8 Billion dollars.

Have fun fuckface. btw I’m an adult male so I’m not so little…

Holly fucking shit what a bunch of bullshit. Wtf is a Barib Yariel, they can’t even make up names right. Was it that hard to call him Adam Cohen or something?

Go for it! The first step would be putting your phone that is packed with Israeli technology down.

Here’s a confession  of a very much free person who isn’t under any source of duress. You could’ve just searched ‘hamas rape’

You are indeed right, I misread your first comment and thought you were talking about the Israeli justice system, not the US one. My bad.


Beheading in a moment


I think it’s very much obvious why pictures of beheaded children wouldn’t just be allowed to spread on the internet, I think the US’s president saying he saw confirmations of it happening is more than enough.

I do, here’s an example for starters. I’ll add more in a minute.

And even if it wasn’t true, so they just tortured and murdered inoccents that makes it totally ok doesnt it?/s

Another example

Just search ‘Hamas rape’ on reddit search bar there’s plenty of them

Lived through what? the Israeli justice system. If you’re really a lawyer you should know that there’s no reason for me to believe you if you don’t bring anything that supports what you’re saying.

Ok, I do not think I’m wrong. Why should I just take your word for it?

If you’re calling rape, torture and murder of innocents a “liberation struggle” you can fuck off for all I care, you’re not someone with reasonable beliefs who is worth talking to. Sincerely, a BROWN jew.