Gotcha. I’m brand new to AoS. So would this pair with the one formation that lets us retreat out of combat to avoid wounds? So I could charge into same unit I’m currently engaged with to get any bonuses or charge a different unit nearby correct?

I did mine wood handles then gray/ rusty blades.

When you activate this is it just for a single unit or say I have 3 units in combat does this allow all 3 to roll for charges or just one?

I honestly am debating on picking up more to run 2 units of 4. I think they are going to be great for mobility and denying Objectives for opponents.

Not in love but also don’t hate it. It pays the bills. I’m starting my masters though as I don’t know how much upward momentum I have in my current company. Moved across country back home and took a pay cut. It’s nice and more relaxed than the position I had but I also was led to believe there was a lot more room for growth here and I don’t see it.

I’m actually debating on Paper Mario now 😂. Anyone played it yet? I vaguely remember the original from when I was a kid.

Thanks for posting. I’ve been reading the articles as well and missed the points date!

Same it’s not about who’s in charge it’s about celebrating what makes our country amazing. Thousands of people come to America every day looking for a better life. If our country was so bad then why would so many seek shelter or help here? I’m all about the dream that you can immigrate or come to America and make something of yourself. That’s what I think the celebration is about. Our history and the future.

It’s honestly just 2 coats of the black Templar contrast. I’ve got some AK fluorescent orange and green but I havent applied it yet.

Man I kick myself all the time. I’ve literally rebought all the armies I sold except for my 40k stuff. Which I’ve done different color schemes for my dwarfs etc so it’s all good.

I wanted to do a heavy tank list with grenadiers in armoured halftracks. Was going to go for a mechanized panzergrenadier vibe if that makes sense. I did horde guard 8 years ago so wanted try something different. Any ideas on where to start for that?

So I played the original (dating myself here). What’s the new remakes? I saw them but was confused on where to start.

Any nighthaunt to trade really? What do you have? I made 40 of them and was like ok I’m good now lol. I’m waiting to play till 4th so trying to get a good spread.

I planned on my main line being 40 chain rasp and 40 blacegheisf then fill out the rest with heroes and some cavalry.

I’ve had 2 colonoscopies so far and only 36. Think some of it was due to being in the military but idk. Was in Japan and almost died. Came back from Mexico same thing. Got super sick in Africa first time so idk lol.

To go a bit deeper that’s kinda how nagash turned him from sigmar is he showed him the truth of what happened. So yeah sigmar is a lil biatch.

Also the hallost region of shyish which is basically Valhalla sigmar stole a bunch of heroes souls to be stormcast when they were needed most to defend hallost. So shyish got wrecked by chaos and later when the sigmarines show back up and save the day it comes out at a victory feast that a bunch of them were taken from hallost and their friends remembered them. So again they got mad at sigmar for stealing them. He’s just as bad as nagash in my opinion.

Soul wars novel the main stormcast that turned into a nighthaunt dude basically got taken by Sigmar while his family got whacked by chaos dudes. Sooooo yeah he remembered watching them cry or something before he flew away. It wasn’t like he said hey Sigmar take me.

Yeah I painted like 90 models in 2 months lol. Painted that whole list I commented from mid April to mid June.