Colonist's Daughter

They do address it in the movies. The lead geneticist is bemoaning the fact that corporate wants a certain look to them, and how if he made them accurate they would look totally different. And then in the 6th movie they finally made an accurately feathered Pyroraptor.

Twisted Tea sales skyrocketed when this first went viral

The fucking full body deglove... And he just throws it at the church door. And the effects on it are done really well, like it looks and feels like it's got heft.

They actually do have almost no insects who eat them, there's no GMO varietals, their shell is thick and inedible so you can handle them with a lot of industrial exposure, and they're already pretty resistive to being grown in poor soil. So you're actually right in that they're one of the most, if not the most, pointless produce to buy organic. They do take a ton of water to grow though, and mostly are grown in places that are already drought-ridden. But that applies to conventionally grown the same.

Don't smoke mushrooms because it's a weak high and spores in your lungs are no joke. But when I was a dumb youth I did it a lot, and it does work. Definitely not a placebo high either - dilated pupils, shimmering colors, spiral thoughts.

Organic certification isn't just about genetic modification, it's also the health of the soil, types of pesticides used, etc

Raised By Wolves, I've never been more disappointed in a cancellation. The world-building is fucking wild

That's really neat! Did they work on Romulus? They brought back a lot of the original FX crew for the new one.

Aliens is dumb as hell. It's great, lots of fun, but it's really just a shoot-em-up and there's way less thought put into the character's actions. I'm always reminded of how Cameron pitched it: No script, just wrote ALIEN on a whiteboard, slowly added a $ and the execs went wild. It's awesome fun but it's Rambo in space.

Colonist's Daughter

There's also libraries!


You totally did not ask and pay this person


I think they actually mean using khaki to cover up a gorgeous marine teal


Genocide and homelessness. The yin and yang.

Colonist's Daughter

If you're hungry for more Isolation, there's also the book!


I presume you're talking about the cops here? Also it was a random heart attack.

Colonist's Daughter

Currently reading Alien: Prototype and it's noted that post-facehugger, people also feel a kind of elevated euphoria that inhibits them noticing there's a lil penis chomping through their innards.

Ah, that seems strange! Is it just saying it wants you to use Chrome? Can you enable it anyway? Can you change your browser identifier?

What if you poop in the reversey world though. Imagine sucking it up ur butt