I don’t even think he’s been that impressive. Yes he’s had some good games but I think the main reason he’s being hyped up so much is because he’s an Italian defender with long hair

Why was he in Iceland did he have a show there?

They realised that the people who run the club are complete clowns and are only here for the money

I like this kit because it reminds me of the last of the Roman era. The good old days. Also the last season we won a trophy and completed the set.

If npcs can call the police on you just for carrying a gun that would be a big L in my opinion. Too much realism isn’t good.

Leave whatever is happening out of this. It’s a game mode based on the euros and Israel where in the qualifiers. Nothing wrong with this.

It’s probably a prank not his real one

It’s not negativity just facts. Since these owners have taken owner it’s just been sad.

If you even have the smallest hope left that these owners have good intentions then that’s delusional or you’ve been brainwashed by their pr. how is a top club like us bringing in an under 25 rule and not giving players more than 150k a week. We’re massively limiting ourselves and won’t improve by doing that. And do you really think the good players like palmer, caicedo will stay? As soon as a club comes in with decent money these owners are selling straight away. They’re here to make money and milk us not to win. And I pray they sell the club after their 10 years or we protest after a third mediocre season so they change their model otherwise we’re fucked.

How can you be behind the model? These owners have taken us backwards and we were close to two mid table finishes

Wow you just unlocked a memory I didn’t know I had

It’s because the formation your team plays has no wingers so the game puts them on the bench

Who’s the fourth contender meant to be. Rodrygo?

Facts and why am I even getting downvoted I was just asking a question

The fans who support the owners are brainwashed by the pr the club puts out. If the owners put in the same effort to trying to win as they put in their pr we’d be prem champions by now.