:sas-1: Spurs

All of your tax are belong to us

Least obvious bot comment

Anon has rizz, this sounds like something I would've done back in my normie days (minus the cringe ring pops). Sadly, Anon forgot rule #1.

Obviously you have one foot out the door already and the cheating accusations aren't going away anytime soon, but at the very least I think there's hope for the whole ranch thing lol

You feel guilty about making her cry and you're trying to take her feelings into account, but I think that's actually preventing you from communicating honestly. Sometimes you just have to speak your mind without caring how the other person feels about it.

If I were in your position, I would definitely apologize initially too. If she kept bringing it up, I would make it very clear how fucking stupid it is to think that I would spit on my girlfriend as "punishment" for a prank, and I would be mad that she even has nerve to accuse me of some shit like that. Attack my character? Call me abusive? Fuck that. Either take me at my word or get over it, cause I'm done apologizing for an accident.

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Lol same. Associating him with that dumpster fire is an insult

We do a little trolling :snoo_trollface:

White pee 😳

I can't even explain how disappointed I was when Sunita didn't call Mary/Marie "the criminal that destroyed father's important documents"

Apparently she's Aikawa Megumi from Heaven Burns Red. No English release

We do a little trolling :snoo_trollface:

Pet play isn't exactly normal lol

"left the oven on" must be code for "I rigged my oven to catch fire and look like an accident in order to murder my family and collect the life insurance money. Now I'll return home to confirm their deaths and then call the fire department in order to appear innocent." We've all been there before.

:sas-1: Spurs

The Westbrook beef while he was on the Lakers should be in the r/NBA history books. Funniest part is that a lot of the posts were literally just his statlines, good or bad.

This is what I dreamed of when Rean's ogre power was introduced lol

:sas-1: Spurs

Especially when this is the extent of it. "People might not realize this, but Klay actually gets all emotional and pouts or throws temper tantrums." Like damn bro, that's news to me

Damn, I kinda figured that but was hoping it's just an error that could be fixed. Thank you

The chats themselves are ok, it's when you go to edit the bot and post it publicly. It's giving this error that the bot cannot go public because it's against the rules. Saving as a private bot and chatting is still completely fine.

Sorry for the confusion

Yes. I've tried all of that when I saw you mentioned it on another post, and just now tried again to make extra sure.

The only thing that's different is that I created a new bot an hour or two ago and I seem to be able to edit that one freely. My 2nd most recent bot was created about a week ago at most, and above that on my list are 2 more public bots that I've recently edited before encountering this bug. So this has only been happening for maybe 2-3 days, and only previously created bots are affected. I hope that helps :/