
“Childish” is one that was used a lot towards me. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve been told to “grow up”

this isn’t a slur just an insult that was often used

Also talk to a lawyer first before doing any DNA tests because if the paternity test comes back negative and you want a divorce, it may be a lot more difficult for you to get custody of your daughter

I’m happy for you! Congrats 🎉

So has Migno. It will be interesting to see, if a position in moto 2 opens up, who it would be offered to.

I think the problem with it is that it’s kind of all of the place, if that makes sense.

Wanting to feel appreciated is not something stupid. NTA

Edit - added judgement

It is not specified that the person I have to hit is the person that is being healed, so I would find someone I don’t like or a bad person, and hit them in the face, while thinking of the person / illness I want to cure.

Edit - Grammar

I love how you not letting him bring meat into your house anymore, as a consequence to his previous actions, is you trying to force your views on him, but him literally putting meat in your food, without asking and knowing your a vegetarian, is just him seeing if you would try it. NTA

NTA. You don’t steal from family either

The fact that she goes through and reads all your emails, and such, especially without your knowledge and explicit consent is an invasion of privacy and a major red flag 🚩

NTA ... Honestly I think you should leave him. Normally I’m not one to suggest something like this, as yes this is only a small part of your lives and we don’t see the whole picture, and instead suggest something like therapy, but since you have stated that this has been going on for 13 years and he refuses to go to therapy of any kind. I think it might be the best thing for both you and your children, they should not be growing up in a household where their father is so disrespectful to their Mother and where this type of behaviour could then be considered “normal”, also you shouldn’t have to put up with this either, nor should you have to hide at home because of it.

I truely wish the best for you and your family, with whatever path you decide to take.

YTA - honestly I think you should be having a conversation with your daughter but about how she shouldn’t change her stance on something because she feels guilty, and that it’s okay not to be ready / not wanting to do somethings. I mean if she has truely thought about this and it is something she wants to do, then there is nothing you can do to stop her. But if she is only changing her mind because she feels guilty. That’s when you should be concerned.


Neuter them? Take the whole thing away.