Can I just get rid of the sensory issues? šŸ˜‚

I named him Michael, I usually just use the canon name for Pokemon games.

:65: :24: Yes I hate myself

Why are you getting downvoted when you're literally right

Yeah let's just go to each and every person who's in a trace and can't hear us or interact with us in any way, and ask if they want us to rescue them while we're being attacked by an Omnimon level threat larger than a sky scraper. That makes perfect sense.

And Meico came to terms with Meicoonon's death. She literally told Tai to kill her, and got the chance to say goodbye and grieve. Meico has parents who love her dearly, and she was ripped from them. It's either Meicoomon or her family.

Her method for doing so was VERY wrong, she was pulling people away from their lives on earth non-consensually and trapping them in eternal limbo. It would be different if they all specifically requested to be sent there or even had the option to leave, but they couldn't. They were attacked and taken without knowledge.

Me accidentally mimicking people's accents out of sheer nervousness

Expert Mechanic :IMG_0455__1_-removebg-pr:

Ending was good it's just the final battle that sucked. Kai v Brooklyn was way better than Tyson v Brooklyn.

Expert Mechanic :IMG_0455__1_-removebg-pr:

Longer limbs, sharper features, longer hair, more human proportions, smaller/sharper face. They didn't need to draw Xander as the hulk. Season 6:


Expert Mechanic :IMG_0455__1_-removebg-pr:

They didn't even need to do that either because they aged up Valt perfectly. He looks much older without looking like a giant. Season 1:



This list contains the rematch location of every shadow pokemon

For the tyrannitar literally just walk back into Realgam Tower and go to where the final boss was, he will battle you as if it was the first battle and he'll have the tyrannitar.

All the ones that say "snagem hideout" will appear randomly. Wander the hideout. If trainers stop spawning (two or three tops on each visit) just leave (GO TO ANOTHER LOCATION) then come back and more will spawn as you wander the hideout. Except Skarmory, that one is on the top floor in a set location.

Well, we'd technically be separate entities at that point with our own thoughts and feelings, even if we originated from the same person, so I'd call them homies!

Who said they can't just do both? Watch TV with your kid while you're on the iPad curating it.


Me when greasy food touches my arm:


The post nut clarity of looking up and realizing I'm surrounded by myself--

You're making me want to go to the thrift store ugfhjhh

:65: :24: Yes I hate myself

I got matched against two Ness', a Samus, two Belmont's, and finally a Pythra all in a row. I threw my joycon on the ground and stabbed it with a nearby screwdriver. Thankfully I didn't go all the way through and my joycon still works.

Normally when I get heated I just close the game and groan but that one day was really testing me.

It's like $25 bucks used. If $60 is too much then ordering one on eBay or Mercari for 1/3 of the price should help.