had no goals of ever getting invincible

this is the correct way of getting any boss mount

that's the path someone who played wotlk would take

left: the abominations and the professor

right: the dragons

if a warlock help someone merge with a demon, I expect said warlock to promptly enslave said someone to gain a new pet

quando era un sito streaming di anime con qualche pubblicità in mezzo lo usavo spesso...

poi è diventato un sito streaming di pubblicità con qualche anime in mezzo e mi son rotto le palle.

uhm... what are you talking about?
the mount, the weapon, the shoulders or all of them?

I said "it's more of a beta than a full release"


...A beta phase generally begins when the software is feature complete but likely to contain a number of known or unknown bugs. Software in the beta phase will generally have many more bugs in it than completed software and speed or performance issues...

one can like something and at the same time acknowledge its issues...
if that's "big brained" for you, I'm very sorry

that the game is not yet a finished product and we're still in an open beta

I love the game, it might be my all time favourite... BUT 6 big patches (with a 7th in the works) and 24 hotfixes for hundreds if not thousands of changes and bugfixes does not equal to a "full game" in my books... more like an open beta.

la maggioranza dei voti del PD sono sempre stati "altrimenti vince berlusconi/meloni/destra"

I pretend he was chanting "spinsters spinsters" while running around

I don't know why, but the art style is a total mood killer for me D:

hanno sbagliato completamente... al posto del trattore dovevano metterci una RUSPA!

Hello! If you created this character before the Epilogues were added in Patch 5, could you make sure you are loading a save from  ?

hello, in the save in question, the group is in front of the

If it still doesn't trigger, could you send over your save file to our support team so they can look into this (if you haven't done so yet)? https://larian.com/support/faqs/how-to-submit-a-bug-report_85

I'd have to reinstall the game, I'll see if I can do it in the next few days

considering I can't even get wither's party with my first character, I'm waiting until the game is really finished

:excluded: Epic Excluded

if I were a programmer and named a variable in my code "him_the_straight_white_male", would I lose the license of the engine? how would they know? is unreal uploading private code to epic?

it's the principle

when I wrote the first message the image wasn't there... when I replied to you, I jumped from the notification and didn't saw it... I agree, for that details it's afk dps.

but I hope you can agree that it would have been a lot in a context of 3-mobs pulls that lasts 5-10 seconds each

sure, but what is your context? one pack at the time because the tank is in blues or bigger pulls? it changes A LOT