Is there some sort of ranking of the non-optimal tempers?[Question] Builds | Skills | Items

For instance, I rolled 2 swords, each got Bash cleaves...which is nice...but 1 got DMG% and one got % DMG to CC.

Unsure which to slot... I suppose I could test but was wondering if there was something already out there.

Is there a role for Aspect of the Expectant while running Bash and HOTA?[Question] Builds | Skills | Items

Am I just missing something or is there a role due to using basic and core skills?

How do you count the bashes without feeling like you're just starting at the bash icon?

You know, I made a post yesterday about having an issue with Steel grasp and Bash...turns out it was actually this exact problem that I was having. I'm getting to the point where I'm not getting enough damage with just my Robs Iron barb and I know I'm going to have to add HOTA back on and kinda dreading it.

Not really sure what to do on this one...would love a solution.

Are there any end game Bash builds that use Shako+Selig, don't utilize Steel Grasp?[Question] Builds | Skills | Items

I just find the steel grasp gameplay a bit clunky but also don't want my Shako and/or Selig just sitting around.

Maybe I just need to git gud, but hoping for some ideas on how to avoid that.

Thanks frishes.

She was a real hot head towards the end of her life.

When I decided to switch, bc wolfnado just felt bad, I went to gear up and realized I had an incredible base of gear in my stash to work off. Over the past few days have scaled it and it just MELTSSSS

I'm level 100 but only have a few royal I doing something wrong?General Question

I felt like last season I played (2) I was royal flush with them.

I'm about a week away before my friends drop it for another game ha...meanwhile, I'll be blasting all season and beyond.

I'm running a Werenado myself...holy shit has it been fun. Cruising in the pit and NM dungeons with ease at only level 85

Good looks...seems like a good solution until some other things come power

Spirit issues[Question] Builds | Skills | Items

Hi all, I'm running Ace of Spades Werenado build and really enjoying it except for I'm having a lot of spirit issues.

I have a bit of a staggered gameplay loop where I'll be tearing through and then hit a wall bc of lack of spirit.

I have even removed Stampede from ring and am using Umbral (4/6). I have prioritized resource reduction and spirit / second where possible and will continue to.

I'm only level 79, only have Exploit glyph to 15 will getting further along in my paragon help?


Lex - welcome back! Now go enjoy Diabo's new season! Any other Diablo Lexicons out there?Chill Discussion

New season has been a blast and I feel the game is finally going to start and take off in the right direction.

Who else has been blasting away in Sanctuary?

What are some of the best builds to get benefits of playing in a group for upcoming S4?Builds, Skills & Items

Just thinking of ideas on how to benefit off playing in a group and which builds can compliment one another.

Congrats fella!

Mind telling me what pants those are?

Unemployment while I had it.

I was the higher earner but still luckily my wife's income and great benefits has worked out for us. We have certainly changed our lifestyle and don't have to pay for child care.

I did, however, drain whatever was in my 401k (wasn't much) to cover my car for a bit til it was paid off.

A lot has changed with how we live our life and the timelines we had in mind previously...but we are very lucky and the important things haven't changed at all, if anything, got better.

I was laid off with our first in the NICU. That was almost 2 years ago still looking.

The market is brutal but that's out out of your control. Go into it with the mindset that job searching is a marathon, not a sprint.

Perspective is everything and, if possible for you, therapy can help with's got me through this time.

Enjoy the time you have with your family before your time becomes someone else's again. Knock out those projects around the house you never had time for.

Give yourself the grace you need in a tough situation and good luck, brother.

This worked! Got it, thanks!

Any tips on where to install gasket on the door?