Didn't Arceus get burnt by a meteor in the movie? Am I missing something??

Tbf, the dudes are also very sexualized in ft

It was in the corner of his cave. But yeah it was just a useless prop smh

It should be a major gemstone vessel at least. For 70 challenges

They dropped the ball not having hulk as the barbarian

How has homelander not lie detected the leak out?? That's like one of his main things

I'm mostly surprised he can FLY. What if he comes out of nowhere as one of the strongest supes? We would have never expected him to be even more threatening than the old noir. It would be a neat nod to the comic too.

Too much telling. Not enough showing

The vampires ran away as soon as I saw them. Is it because we had blood of L equipped??

An entire season with each episode dedicated to one of the hashira. Also the two newbies who didn't get enough screen time compared to the other four

Right but doesn't v enhance powers? It might have sped up his already fast regen

Care to explain this further? Black people exist???

THANK YOU. The only goodish supes we see are either on the team or get killed immediately/captured immediately

You should have enough time to grab another key before it rotated fortunately

I agree to an extent. This scene is totally par for the course in the boys. But the problem is that it was meant to be comedic. Starlight's SA scene was not.

Kisame is strong, but his weakness is genjutsu. Which this guy is quite proficient at even aside from the rest of his huge arsenal. Kisame is not winning this

Forge and America are interchangable yeah. Nova is nice, but he requires you to pull killmonger or get a good location, otherwise he's useless. And killmonger isn't quite as strong nowadays. Red guardian is great though! Having so many options is what I love about surfer. Hell, even sera isn't a requirement at this point if you use hope

Pro tips: rouge can copy blobs ability. She can easily rival him especially with all the deck power buffs. MMM is great for crippling quinjet and mockingbird. Negasonic has a lot of replacements, but if you get advantage she can make a huge difference. Turn 5 phastos won't help much, so don't play him that late unless you have no other better plays.

(1) America Chavez
(2) Okoye
(3) Brood
(3) Negasonic Teenage Warhead
(3) Rogue
(3) Silver Surfer
(3) Mobius M. Mobius
(3) Nakia
(3) Phastos
(3) Sebastian Shaw
(4) Absorbing Man
(5) Sera


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.

Hard agree! The only backlash against AC should be if the game is poorly made and/or predatory. Being angry that there is a black samurai is just silly. Now it would be different if they cared more about including said samurai for brownie points instead of actually making a good product overall

Thats sick. Arishem would have totally obliterated him if he had chosen to. But this display earned his respect

Remember that time they changed Jeff Dekal iron heart to 1200 🤦🏾‍♂️

I've been absolutely dunking on arishem with my sera surfer. But one match I faced one who main decked legion and he absolutely demolished me. That thing, it scares me