Department Manager

Wow you gonna die if you have fucking whipped cream or something, grow the fuck, up simple mistakes happen and it's super easy to fix something as small as that.

Looks like someone lost a late game team fight lol

I wish it would've just been a normal raid day like groudon and kyoger, even if they limited it to in person raids still. But the extra effort of finding where the raids and spawning and having to communicate with a larger group of people to get everything organized is just hellish. Chances are me and my group that I normally go out with would've been fine if it was a normal raid day, but eith eleit raids only being a handful of places non of us even bothered trying to set anything up

Used an ETM to get pystrike, other than that it's up to you

I'm not having a good time😭 I just can't seem to find a team that'll work well amd with the insane amount of lag and frame drops it's hard to play(especially since I like using dragons like dragonite, altaria and goodra) it's been affecting my gameplay a lot. I've went back to my old reliable, altaria and g-stunfisk core but I'm having trouble finding a good safe swap that isn't getting destroyed by fighters lol

I just wanted the bacon birb bc its funny to call it a bacon birb lmao

A lot of the high elo players are starting to climb out of the lower Elo rn too, that could be it. I feel like I was getting completely walled last night while playing(mainly due to lag and frame drops) but then I switched to my old reliable, g-stunfusk and altaria core(the team I 1st uses to hit ace) and it was doing pretty well. I

Could've gotten dmg registering error or frame drops, as a big dragon user(grafonite, goodra and altria) it has sucked for me lately, the frame drops are insane and it's been impossible to count moves properly and throe on good timing and let alone battle other dragons in mirror matches, I drop 1 or 2 frame so I lose the mirror

I agree with you, love my shadow dragonite but from what I've seen dragonair is way more consistent

I say did not get a bacon birb, fid end up getting a shiny lapras and yungoose when I went out for raid hour tho, so ig not all bad lol

Got some pretty good ivs, but sadly no bacon birb:(

I mean togakiss goes brr as an attacker lol

Department Manager

We don't have it set up where we can't have a 1st window, I wish I could run the store eith one window would make life easy, but my store doesn't have a register at the 2nd window

He's a quick question, why trade it if it's not useful?

Scales go brrr, but it's probably written this way for key signature and chord reasons

Havnt kept up with the game latley, wtf does this item do and why dies everyone hate it

Department Manager

Yea they do, I lobe taking pics of the dirty dishes, un emptied grease traps, messes and uncleaned equipment when I walk in. To be fair it helps that I was an opener, so I actually know what pisses muly openers off. But say fuck all, I've muted every damn group chat I'm in at my store bc I don't care about the bc complaining.

Department Manager

Thays what I've started doing st my store, openers havnt said shit since, it alos helps I was an opener before I became a closer

Department Manager

Ever since they forced us to stay open till 11PM, no. Our lobby person leaves between 10-11 and then it's typically 3 people left in the store, the manager, grill closer and the 1st window/dish closer. On a rare occasion we'll have an extra person but with how busy it is it's way more valuable to have them on the floor helping than it is to have them close the lobby. The openers understand, they typically have the time to clean lobby(really just a mop and maybe wipe down the tables) before they open