All of these are great recommendations, especially Little Nightmares 1/2. Those are some of my favorite platformers ever.

As a former, very immature person who was a frequent cheater, this is true. It took a lot for me to grow as a person (for me personally, it was mostly my faith/religion) and I look back on who I used to be and am disgusted and truly ashamed. I am glad that I used those bad times to grow and become who I am today though. I can use my past experiences to speak to people about my mistakes and guide them away from the same mistakes. I could never tell a friend to cheat on their partner.

I also promised myself (and God, since I do rely heavily on my faith today) that I would never enter into a committed relationship again unless I truly believed I was done with those immature, horrible characteristics of mine. Fortunately, once I made that promise, I immediately realized how scummy I was, and I changed drastically instantaneously. Once that decision to be a better person was made, I never looked back. I have never once even been remotely tempted to cheat again. Plenty of opportunity if I really wanted to, but never even crosses my mind. And I'm proud to say that even if someone approached me and tried to tempt me, I wouldn't even consider it.

All of that being said, in case OP reads this: Who I am today means that I've grown tremendously as a man. I would NEVER encourage a friend to cheat. That was the old me who was a cheater himself. Present me would guide my friend away from such a terrible, disgusting thing to do. Do NOT take her comments to her friend lightly. Take it from someone who used to live that shameful life... if she is encouraging a friend to do it, she herself is NOT above doing it. You need to look deep inside and consider if it is worth sticking around in a relationship where her being unfaithful is a very real possibility. She's already shown she isn't trustworthy. She's lied to your face on many occasions, including recently. Why wouldn't she lie more and once temptation crosses her path, what would make her strong enough to resist it? Be careful, OP. Protect your heart, and make sure you commit yourself to a relationship you can have full trust in.

I'm in the deepest pit I have ever been in, in my entire life.

It's pretty crazy. I am normally the one who is the most encouraging, upbeat, energetic, and extroverted type of person. When I see people down, I am usually the first to try to make them better. Shoot, even all the way back in my senior year of high school, I was voted "most likely to brighten your day" for the yearbook lol.

But something happened in my personal life about a month and a half ago, and I've been watching my world crumble apart before my eyes. I wake up every 30 min or so, and just feel... idk.. DREAD, I guess.

I still have a career that I love, and put a lot of passion into, and it's honestly been a pretty healthy distraction for me too. But other than that, I have lost the taste for EVERY other thing in my life that I love. I barely play video games, even though that used to be my favorite past time whenever I had alone time. When I watch a movie on a day off or something, I am usually picking something I don't have to pay close attention to because I'm often zoned our for a lot of it.

I am barely sleeping (rarely more than 2 or 3 hours a day despite my best efforts), go days without eating, and these are things that I love to do because I never get to do as often as I'd like due to my crazy work hours. But here I am not even able to bring myself to do either one.. I've never had this feeling before, and it's horrible.

I put myself into therapy about a month ago to try to process everything; but more than anything else, I just want to fix what is happening in my life. I am a man of faith/religion, so I have taken this opportunity to reconnect with God and build my faith, which has been amazing. I've grown tremendously in that regard in a surprisingly short time. But other than that... I'm honestly not doing good. And I've never said those words before. I've never been.. well, NOT okay.

I went from being what I consider one of the truly happiest men I have ever known in my life, with so many joys in my life. Not to say I don't have extreme stress and challenges, but just that I normally navigate that stress very well. And then in just a moment, it flipped on me. Now I haven't felt joy in a month and a half. All stemming from one thing, that has the power to shatter my world.

I'm staying strong and courageous to the best of my ability. I have faith that this will work out, and I will heal from this. But when you're in the bottom of the pit, it's hard to see the light at the top. I've tried crawling out of it, but I never get far. However, I will trust my faith, and keep fighting because this is the most important fight of my life. I know I'm in the wrong sub to ask for this. But if anyone reading this has the desire to pray, I would gladly take prayers for the mountain of struggle in my life currently to be removed.

Yes! A hundred percent this. I should have mentioned those in my comment as well, because those are very helpful videos and very unbiased.

Not the same thing, but if anyone likes brief YouTube videos about gaming, I highly recommend GameRanx. They post daily, usually just "10 times [this] happened in a game" or something like that. But those are even entertaining. They do a good job at keeping it fresh, and I've discovered many recommendations I never would have considered before.

But once a week on Friday, they'll also do a recap of all the gaming-related news that came out over the week. This acquisition for example will for sure be discussed Friday. The news recaps are shorter videos but quality content.

I'm so sorry to hear. I am supposed to have my 32nd birthday very soon. And my wife asked for a divorce out of the blue just a few days ago. I have been in a really dark place and trying to find little things that make me smile, but it's been extremely hard. Actually, the hardest days I've ever experienced.

I'm still fighting HARD for my marriage, and to support my wife to realize that the little things getting to her are things we can easily work through, but we have to do it together and not give up.

She is my whole world and my entire life. I've never been happy like this before, and we have been through some real tough times together, including the unexpected loss of my dad in an accident almost 2 years ago, which was especially hard because it was only 3 weeks before our wedding.

We've loved each other like we've never loved anyone before in our lives, so I know what's happening now can easily be overcome together. But I'm not sure if she's going to rejoin this fight with me. She's been pretty adamant that she's sticking to her decision on this, because, we'll she's stubborn. I love her for it. But she is undoubtedly a very stubborn person and she knows it too.

That being said, I've slept less than 8 hours across the past 6 days now, and eaten less than a full meal in those 6 days. I'm not doing great either. And no one knows yet, so I've got my mom asking what we're doing for my birthday and stuff, and our daughter that still thinks we're going to Jamaica for her birthday and my wife's birthday this summer, and reminds us every day how excited she is to go.

I hope and PRAY HARD I can get my wife back to me. But just know... you are not struggling alone. We all have battles we face. But you stay strong and, if you're a person of faith, make sure you rely heavy on it. It's helped me immensely. This year on your birthday, just celebrate yourself and your own personal accomplishments. Be proud of the person you are and make goals to be an even better person for your birthday next year. You've got this, random internet stranger friend!

Did you hear about the thieves that stole the toilet from the local police station? Detectives are working the case, but they currently have nothing to go on.

Another thief stole a lamp from the station. Police did manage to catch him, but unfortunately, he got a light sentence.

I'm done now. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

100 percent this. That scream was just... unreal and also... so REAL. Her silent scream when the flame part happens near the end is so powerful you can hear it too!!

Mods of certain subreddits will sometimes delete your comments for a "naughty" word, or ban you from the subreddit. Unless you constantly check the rules or frequent the same subs, you can't keep track of which ones, so I often see people just being cautious. It's wild. Apparently it's a "trigger" word. 🙄🙄🙄

You just named many of my favorite horrors haha. Us isn't a bad movie. I liked it more than Nope, but less than Get Out. Not sure if that helps lol. How about the Conjuring movies? (1st and 2nd ones. Haven't seen the 3rd yet.) Also the Annabelle spinoffs aren't great to me, but the second one (I think it's Annabelle: Creation?) was pretty good too.

It's sort of "meh" for me personally. But depends on your style of horror. Jordan Peele movies are a little hit or miss for me. But Nope in particular is almost deserving of its own genre. The slow burn was pretty captivating for me, but the payoff just wasn't as great as I hoped. Loved Get Out, but felt similarly for Us.

Not sure your style of horror, but... might I recommend Hereditary? I suggest going in blind. But it has a slow burn that is completely worth it for me. Movie sort of messed me up during a... certain scene midway through. It's a sort of catalyst event haha

I remember the restaurant scene made everyone in my theater gasp. I was like, oh.. shit just got real. 😂

Lol certain subreddits and mods freak out a bit. You learn to just be cautious haha

Certain censors or flags on certain subreddits make you cautious lol

No problem, hope I helped! (Not sure who downvoted me. Very clear someone else didn't understand the ending either. Lol) Great movie though! Just recently re-watched it!

It was Cee. She had hid it in the closet earlier in the movie. So when it became clear to her that he was neither going to repent for his actions nor change his abusive and deadly behavior, she used the excuse to use the bathroom.

There, she changed into the suit, unalived Adrian, changed back out of the suit, and then acted shocked for the surveillance cameras. As soon as she was out of view of the cameras, that's when/why you saw her act unremorseful, and then walked out with the suit after he bled out, shown briefly in her purse as she leaves the residence.

There's actually a song by a comedian called Detachable Penis. It's an older song, but quite chuckle-worthy. Lol

Hall Pass! Highly underrated in my personal opinion. So dumb, but hilarious.

I took everyone's advice and played The Witcher 3. Do NOT sleep on it. It is still incredible. And if you enjoy it, absolutely play both DLCs. Some of my favorites!!!

I never know anymore. It's the internet. 😂

Since a lot of my usual picks are already mentioned... I gotta throw out The A-Team. The one with Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, Rampage... it was so underrated in my opinion.

Lots of solid recommendations on here. I'd like to add Kena: Bridge of Spirits. I just played through it for the first time and was surprised at how enjoyable (and challenging!) it was. Not a dark or gritty or depressing plot or anything. Has little creatures with a "cutesie" personality. I honestly initially thought it would be a sort of kiddy game until I looked at reviews and decided to give it a shot.

Edit: fixed an error