VAN - NHL :61212:

The atmosphere is very different in Europe. We followed Sheffield Steelers for years before we came to Canada, and it was very family oriented, it’s loud & everyone claps with the music, the players and their wives are very friendly & accessible. Also way cheaper than here of course

VAN - NHL :61212:

Yes,this! Drives me nuts. The puck’s been in the zone for 5 minutes but the goal doesn’t count because someone had a toenail over the line before the puck

Me too, twice. My second came out waving with her arm above her head, you can imagine how that went, lol. I couldn’t sit down for a week

They do, but that doesn’t mean childbirth isn’t painful

The oilers sub was just discussing exactly that, their D was an issue, so how do they rejig the pairings to make it less leaky. Plus they’re currently over the cap apparently.

Was that Scotty Allison that you played with? I used to watch him play in Sheffield for years before I emigrated

I just did a double take. Scott Allison was a very popular player in the British league when I was watching Sheffield in the late 90s- early 2000s

But we couldn’t afford Zadorov and Cole as well as decent forwards, so we have to look elsewhere

This time last year I had never heard of Suter, Cole or Blueger, and they turned out to be solid players at a good price, so I’m not going to worry that I haven’t heard of 50% of today’s signings either! We got lots of players for our money and hopefully the coaching staff can get the best out of them

Not everyone who “wasn’t born here” was born in India, or arrived last week!I’ve been here 20 years, am from Europe & have contributed to the country and my community. I am proud to be a Canadian. That’s what the thread was about

I didn’t what? Work hard? Pay for the privilege to be here? I can assure you I did!

Don’t tar all immigrants with the same brush. I’m a Canadian by choice not birth, my allegiance is to Canada. I also worked hard and spent a lot to be in this position

I’m glad management aren’t giving away picks to talk to people a day early. I’m sure they have multiple back-up plans for who they want to get

I have no doubt Petey will get his winger, but we aren’t selling the farm to get one, thankfully

Have you looked near the airport or out at new westminster? Anywhere along the skytrain routes are easy access to downtown van but tend to be cheaper (but still not cheap in summer or if there’s a big concert on)

I want Petey & Hughes to rest that week, but we know they’ll get picked, so for that reason I’m not thrilled either

I was sure we were going to get shafted, pleasantly surprise instead. It’s been a good week for Canucks fans

They seem to be good about paying for support staff, food etc to make the players lives easier, so I would think they so

Pettersson was flying until All Star this year, completely struggled after it and that definitely affected our play off run. He finally admitted to having had a knee injury since around that time, although we don’t know if was the AS weekend that was the cause

I’m guessing cousin is young and doesn’t realize us 50-somethings have been watching a lot of these actresses for 30+ years