Holy crap, super clean! Happy Pride!!!

be kind, rewind

43m here that uses Viagra happily after having it recommended exactly the way you did. I’m reading a LOT of insecurity in many of the male responses here. I guess the insecurity itself is fair, I didn’t feel great about it at first, but that wasn’t the fault of the woman I was with and it isn’t your fault if the man you’re seeing (or anyone on Reddit) feels a pang of insecurity. The manly thing to do - frankly the mature adult tho g to do regardless of gender - is to push through that shit and invest in a healthy relationship. He’s lucky to be with someone so keen to enjoy sex with him, and it’s not too much to ask for him to have a five minute convo with his doctor - you can even do it online these days.

Others have said it’s not always SUCH an easy fix and I guess that’s fair, but much more often it’s as easy as getting the prescription. Honestly this all feels a lot like the guy that’s embarrassed to buy condoms or whatever and I’m reminded of a Trojan commercial from my 20s that said “if you’re not ready for condoms, you’re not ready for sex.” This seems like exactly the same thing to me.

I don’t think you fucked up, but if you did then you’ve dodged a bullet. Lots of us men are ready to do whatever it takes to help the woman we’re with find her pleasure, especially when so many of y’all put up with bad sex in your marriage for YEARS. I’m happy to be the counterpoint to all that, and you deserve to be with a man that feels the same.

be kind, rewind

Dude’s not much of a conversationalist and engaging chats with your sweetie are important to you so sounds like it’s not a match! No reason to be frustrated with him, he’s just not your guy. Admirable to not want to count somebody out too soon - that’s definitely a feature of the DoF orthodoxy, for better or worse - but seems pretty clear this dude just isn’t bringing something to the table that you’re looking for in your person. You’re allowed to want things he doesn’t offer, even if he’s offering lots of other good things!

when you have to go about three comments deep in their comment history to know you’re dealing with a MAGA troll (or just an FSB agent/bot). Biggity-blocked!!!

That’s the plan here too! Got units 01 and 02 in the backlog, as soon as they’re online The Squad is coming to work with me

I have Gunpla and Bandai SW kits in the backlog but was blind to the possibilities (although my SW kits are just lil guys)


Class of 1999

My childhood was like the opening chapter of a Stephen King novel. I often wonder if I was just really lucky that it didn’t play out like the subsequent chapters of most Stephen King books…

I’m a weed-smoking, gun-owning, left-leaning, college-football-loving, naked-bongo-playing, Spanish-speaking gringo fueled by queso and margs.

Nah man, pretty sure you nailed it. Looking sharp!

Hill Country

Huh, the story I was always told was the invasive fire ants outcompeted the native harvester/carpenter ants, didn’t realize the poor critters were getting scooped up as pets! Either way, bummer they’re so rare now. My parents tell stories about being able to go scoop one up in the church parking lot every Sunday to hang out in your shirt pocket and keep you company through the service…

Hill Country

Holy crap! I grew up Boy Scouting in central Texas and have never actually seen one in the wild!!! 🤩

Class of 1999

Alien and Aliens. Still some of my absolute favorites, but I was fucking terrified. Slept with my head under my pillow for years ‘cause I didn’t want to wake up with a monster chewing its way out of my chest…

All scorpions are venomous, even if the big black ones we see in the movies are just as likely to use their claws as they are to use their stings when subduing prey.

But Texas scorps will DEFINITELY sting you and it’s shockingly painful.

Class of 1999

Dude, the hours spent just organizing loot in my Skyrim and Fallout houses, to say nothing of the side quests…

These days I’m mostly into Stardew Valley because it’s basically one ginormous and very Zen side quest.

Posted about it a few weeks back: a lowered white Honda CRX with white rims and a fluffy white pup hanging out the window, slow-rolling down Lamar next to Pease Park with some frosty cold early 2000-sounding EDM jams. It was a vibe.

Here for all the Floyd references, but pardon my ignorance: is Caitlin Jenner actually transphobic?? Because I definitely did not have that on my absurdist existential dread bingo card…

Yeah Conan and Lion King are cool, but have you ever seen Sand Lot???

Mr. Jones’s legend transcends any mere fandom.

2019 All-City Cosmic Stallion/2020 All-City Super Professional

I love my Rawland Rando rack! Mine is CrMo but looks like they only have the Ti version available right now - spendy but definitely light! Worth shooting them an email to see if they’re going to have another run of the steel ones soon. I have their rando and demi-porteur racks for my AC Super Professional and have been really impressed.

be kind, rewind

Yeah. Definitely got alarm bells from OP’s comment about not feeling “overt chemistry afterwards” despite his date asking for a second date.

Bullet dodged, girl.

Class of 1999

It’s me. I’m the asshole. Every time I’ve gone the boys in orange have lost. Won’t happen again, I’ll take one for the team y’all. Especially since you can get Fletcher’s corny dogs at DKR now 🤤

Class of 1999

You WILL respect my zero-fucks-given identity!

Class of 1999

Definitely, the Argentinian accent was always the loveliest to my gringo ears. Also can we talk about how they look exactly like literally every Argentinian couple I’ve ever known??

be kind, rewind

Fucking Kens. Not to be trusted. Bullet = dodged. 😶