Always call 911 and report impaired drivers. You may save someone's life.

National parks/forests don't allow fireworks.

Correct. Except the second part is not a requirement. There is no one "American culture" you need to assimilate into. As long as you respect and abide by the laws. And even then, losing citizenship is hard. You must have been found guilty of immigration fraud to be possibly stripped of citizenship, for example.

You don't meth with a guy like that

It may not be scary for Australians, but for normal human beings, it is :)

Agree. One thing to remember is that most of the weight loss happens in the kitchen, not in the gym. Both are important for overall health though.

To illustrate the point - to expend as many calories as you get from an average doughnut you need to run a full 5K.

We lived on the south side of Old Town. Location-wise it was great. Lyles-Crouch school is wonderful. You can walk around Old Town, to waterfront. There are a few parks to go to with kids/dogs. Jones Point park is unique and has ample of space. King street with tons of restaurants was only a few bloacks away, so was King Str metro station. The only gripe is that the condo we rented was tiny, costly, and old.

People are not mean-mean, they are just less chit-chatty as there are many transplants here. I think you'll enjoy it.

This is an East Coast high population density thing, not unique to Alexandria or Arlington.

Note that Alexandria has the Alexandria City proper and the Fairfax County Alexandria (e.g Huntington).

Also, different neighborhoods in ALX have drastically different feel/vibe. If you can afford it, Del Ray, Old Town, Carlyle/Eisenhower are good areas. Old Town and to some degree Del Ray housing can be pretty old (with some new apartment complexes). Like really, really old, but these areas are very walkable and more relaxed / have a less of an urban feel.

From a quick google search - terrestrial rabies is largely eliminated in Croatia, but bats still are a reservoir.

Never been to Iceland, but Las Vegas was such a letdown when I visited it a couple times. Everything felt so fake.

I've see Hail Mary drawings and all of them have the astrophage boosters/containers in a flat arrangement. Why are they not depicted as grouped together in a triangle arrangement? Does the book mention how the boosters were arranged? Just curious.

Aside from the sensor size, the two cameras are quite different in terms of size/portability. If you can handle the heavier/larger body/lenses, I think the S5II is a better choice.

Just took the Lumix 24mm out for a test drive (here's a sample with minimal processing ). It's plenty sharp, but I've heard the Sigma is incredibly sharp.

But I agree with you on the focal length. 24mm is great for landscape, but less versatile for anything else. Now, I'm thinking of getting the Sigma 35mm f2 or 28-70 f2.8 as my walk-around lens.

Not that many. Just 7.

If you leave now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I WILL TAKE YOU DOWN.

I might add that if the OP develops a red streak, they should go to the ER ASAP.