I have not advanced beyond tech. I got my license so I could legally experiment with UHF and microwave rf projects. Contesting and talking to random people via radio doesn't really interest me, although I have done it.

I've been using a Bencher for the last year and I've really enjoyed it.

He believes that if two people in a room have a gun then it's likely one of them may commit a gun crime and the other one could possibly justifiably kill the other because of it. In other words, they would all live in fear of death by gunfire. I wonder if he could consider an alternative where no one in the room has a gun?

This is a long shot, but at my QTH during the summer, my signal is attenuated quite a bit from the trees between me and the repeater. It gets better as the fall and winter approaches and then come summer, just a lot of scratchy noise with barely intelligible voice.

Is it still there when you use the BW limiter?

I have the Alinco in my garage and monitor local repeaters with it. It does have some sensitivity issues on 70cm occasionally. I did make my first ISS repeater contact using it before I upgraded my shack radio to a 9700.

This comment is correct about analog vs digital, especially in higher frequency analysis. Weird flex on my buying experience with Ali but whatever 🤪

That's a difficult comparison. Back then, I was using gHz scopes to align electronic warfare receivers and transmitters. Now I'm using a budget 150 mHz scope to build HF and audio circuits.

But the budget scope has some features that I love like serial port monitoring, recording, data output to .csv.... I try to buy the most bandwidth I need and can afford and now, in the digital realm, extra features that don't require plug in modules.

I've used high end oscilloscopes professionally, but that was almost 30 years ago. Here at home, I upgraded from a 20mHz Tectronix analog scope so the difference is striking. Overall, the quality feels good and solid. My biggest hurdle was understanding sampling rates and aliasing with digital scopes.

Got mine from Aliexpress for around $170. Some folks don't trust Aliexpress but I have not had a single issue. I buy astronomy items and electronic components from them frequently.

I have a Hantek 150 mHz scope. Works great for HF and has some great features built into the wave generator output.

I built a lot of kits before attaining my US technician license. Taking the time to understand what/how each component contributes to the system helped me be a better troubleshooter. Learning how to measure the characteristics of a receiver and transmitter helped me be a better operator with my home-built stuff. The book 'Experimental Methods in RF Design' is a treasure trove of good advice.

Help with studying? Maybe not so much but definitely provides a great fundamental real-life experience with radio science.

Nice looking pedal. I've really enjoyed using the amp and cabinet modeling features on my Zoom.

Submitted mine 4 months ago. Have not received it and no one answers my emails.

I guess that's normal for amateur radio.

I came here to say similar.

In the work you do today, is there an opportunity to look at data? Start there. What's the department/company objectives for the upcoming fiscal year? Can you turn that objective into "use data to...." ...blah blah blah objective.

Tell your boss this is what you want to do for the team and show him how you're going to lead it, what's in it for him, and the ROI on all this (don't neglect the connections you might make with other teams along the way).

Build connections with the IT BI managers or data mart managers in IT if that's how it works. You do scheduling? Look at factors that impact scheduling. Collect data, experiment. Run a linear regression on the variables.

The MBA should have instilled more leadership into you than management skills.

I'm an analytics department leader. I spend a lot of time networking around my organization, uncovering new data sources. Managing projects like dashboard development or some model development. I also act as a part-time sales person, showing the great features and benefits of my team to the executives. Not to mention ...looking for opportunities for a group of analysts to up their game and learn stuff they find interesting.

Good luck! Start small, dream big.

I followed this guidance at the original setup, and it works great. Less than 1.5 SWR on both bands. I used a strain relief at the mast and one at the bend point in the antenna boom. Haven't tried it any other way in over 2 years.

Edit to add: Horizontal polarized

Expecting the universe to communicate with you in the form and fashion that you command

Publishing exceptions to your expectations online as a form of retribution or a desire to have others validate your negativity.

Edit: you asked?

I was thinking similarly. I'd be trying 2m SSB with horizontal polarized yagis trying to use the terrain as a knife edge for some diffraction.

Bona-fide, the real deal. Nice find!

I'm doing the same at work. Topic modeling of comments to understand scores.

...turned our great by the way. Wife didn't like the 'yellowing' so I'm going with poly next haha.