I'm not going to say you're the AH. But , I will point out to you that regardless of your story of everything going on, some people absolutely hate surprises. I am in that group.

My wife planned a couple of surprise getaways for us that didn't turn out well because I was miserable the whole time. She now makes sure she plans everything with me, and it works out great.

This may be just poor timing on your part, or your bf may not like surprises or maybe a bit of both. But also,giving the silent treatment to your bf and then complaining he hasn't responded now in a week is a bit hypocritical.

NTA. I've followed your story from the beginning. Kudos to you for holding to your principles. Though I do think Sam is genuinely remorseful. But hey, some mistakes you pay out for a day, some a lifetime.

Simple, if it bothers you, break up. If it doesn't, stay together. People make relationships harder than they have to be.

10 years later, you're still living rent-free in his head. Just ignore him and enjoy the fact that he is probably miserable at the moment.

NTA. Gotta admit, it would bug me to being in the house. But you don't have much leverage because you haven't been together that long. It would be sort of crappy to try to force her to get rid of it, and then you break up.

It is sentimental art for her. Maybe she could give it to her ex?

My wife will steal my razor to shave her legs. I can always tell because when I go to use it afterward, it about rips my face off....

My wife will steal my razor to shave her legs. I can always tell because when I go to use it afterward, it about rips my face off....

Yeah, unfortunately, he will keep waiting. They will break up, and she will get freaky with the next guy right away. I've seen that story play out multiple times.

NTA because of your agreement beforehand. I'm just wondering, though, why don't you meet this woman on your own and then make a decision? You may be excluding a perfect candidate based on bias of your husband's friends.

NTA....you can dress however you want. Your bf has the option of breaking up with you if he doesn't agree with your choices. I would say he probably feels there may be a reason for your change that doesn't fare well for him. So he is feeling a bit insecure.

42 years of this. My wife is a people pleaser, and it's rough. She will never say no and very rarely initiates, like once a year. She says she likes our sex life and just doesn'wantt to be rejected or make me feel like I am obligated to have sex with her, so she just waits for me to initiate. I can't get her to understand how this messes with my mind. It feels like she just does it because it's her wifely duty and makes me feel like she is unattractive to me. We are in marriage counseling at the moment, and I'm hoping we can tackle this subject in a positive way.