Between regular the xbox version and the “Minecraft for windows” I’m sitting right around 110k

I was wondering why i didnt look anywhere near as cool… because when I saw this and immediately stopped what I was doing to buy it, and then realized that I didn’t look near as cool… I was saddened but I guess I have to find new cooler armor to put that shader on

From what I have seen about the data, it’s from all the way back in 2016 and it’s the number of checkins on an app called four square. As I said that is what I saw, I have not personally verified

To be completely honest, it seems like it could be seriously useful but at the same time, that shit looks like it takes FOREVER

Hollow 2 didn’t give me anything, home 1 gave me void grenade home 2 gave me drengrs lash

Hollow part 1 gave me consecration, playing part 2 now, going to continue through the list. Will update when I have more info got yall since I’m in the same boat

I’ve NEVER gotten any on shoreline, I’ve gotten all of the keys and stuff but never a ledx there

What’s funny to me is I’ve got about 1500hrs or so and over the course of time I’ve found almost all of the cards but only ever found like 5(ish) ledx MAX

What would you say is the average yearly/monthly cost to rent/buy a house, car, groceries… really anything to put it in perspective because I have no idea how that quantity of money transfers over

Normal Saturday down here in florida

What I want to know… is what’s following them to keep an eye on them, is there a plane/drone/a platoon hanging out in one of those trucks/containers? 😂

Cool, this is the first time I’ve hopped on Reddit in a few days so I was trying to figure out what’s real and what’s todays BS

Are we taking it serious with today’s date?

Similar to the rant he goes on about… I had heard of it prior but never believed it😂 that’s beautiful

My brother in Christ… you have only done well in the t1 and the kv-1s…

Something else I JUST thought of… in theory you could bring her intelligence to like 2 upon going to withers and reallocating those points right?

My first like 2-3 playthroughs I didn’t know why she was missing… and was about to give up, but I saw someone else say this, and now getting leveled enough to go get it for her is the first thing I do and it worked perfectly

There was one time that I had advantage, rolled double nat 1s… used my last inspiration and it happened AGAIN… I couldn’t even begin to explain how pissed off I was