I bought an old Instinct on ebay. I don't need many bells and whistles

I shook Clinton's hand when he was at Perry Meridian stumping for his wife.

Played cards with Mick Jagger and Ron Wood at the Chatterbox.

Excene Cervenka let me on the bus after X played the Patio, and signed a book of her poems I brought with me

Dr Idella Simmons, downtown on Alabama, only takes appointments a day in advance, often the same same day

Here is Fox News corroborating the fact that the flow of weapons at the border is from the US to the cartels, not vise-versa. We arm our enemies with our loose regulations. https://www.foxnews.com/us/cbp-seizes-multiple-weapons-headed-mexico-including-ak-style-rifle-taped-migrants-bare-chest.amp

The play where "Trump“ was murdered is called "Julius Caesar" and was written in 1599. Caesar is not the villain in the play, therefore Trump was not the villain in the play in question. It was a nothing story, fanned by hysteria. Read the play.

I always heard that to do a hoosier accent you turn all diphthongs into singular sounds and turn all monosyllabic vowels into diphthongs. For instance: "wha-uh ar u dune" for "what are you doing". We also frequently drop the ending consonants

Art degrees prepare people for work outside of the arts that pays well. Art degrees are well rounded degrees and the training prepares you to be a strong communicator, budgeter, planner, organizer, researcher, analyst, team leader, and marketer. Art degrees require classes in history, social sciences, math, etc. It is not theatre camp.

The police kill an average of three civilians a day in the United States, many are unarmed. Everyone has a right to due process. People do not realize how poorly trained the police are. They are a danger to themselves, as well as civilians. [https://mappingpoliceviolence.org/]

The state legislature voted a wetlands bill into law this session that is guaranteed to bring about Houston-level flooding in the future -which will cost the state millions of dollars. Yet, they claim to be conservative. The legislature tries to silence local rule, but pretend to support small government. The legislature has underfunded public education, yet claims to be for growth.

Indiana has produced quality public servants from both parties in the past. The present situation in the politics is sad, because it is not the Indiana I remember. I used to be able to vote for many Republicans. Now they waste money, engage in cultural wars, threaten our economic stability, and negate local legislation, even if written by fellow Republicans. I love Indiana. We may always vote red in the national election, but we used to have great, bipartisan leadership at the local level. Binford, a Republican, helped launch the Urban League. Lugar, a Republican, forced the suburban commuters to support the core of the city with their taxes when he was mayor of Indianapolis. Lugar lost his Senate seat, and the support of the party, after an illustrious career that included securing and destroying WMDs worldwide. He lost the primary to a Tea Party candidate who said that a woman could will away a fetus conceived in a "legitimate" rape with her mind -his words, not mine.

We honestly used to be a state that was intellectually curious and collaborative politically. I don't think I should have to leave when I did not create this mess.

I love Indiana. I hate that the state legislature is destroying the city and state I love❤️

That is a beautiful painting.

Before it was colonized, Indiana was a dense rainforest and a one-million-acre swamp. The Grand Kankakee Marsh was the largest inland wetland in the contiguous US until it was drained for agriculture. https://www.earthisland.org/journal/index.php/articles/entry/northern-indianas-lost-marsh-grand-kankakee/

This is my experience; it made my constipation much worse. When I was diagnosed, my IBS was just called "IBS". I am a C some days and a D others. Sometimes I am a C and a D on the same day! So I try to balance supplemental fiber, and miralax

My mother had a really loud cap gun that we used to train our sporting dogs for hunting. It sounds like a gun, but you can't accidentally hurt yourself. I think it is the same thing as a starter's pistol that is used at track events.

Advice about Canyon, TX? Texas the Beautiful

I'm traveling from DFW for a once in a lifetime trip to Canyon, TX. Arrive at 6:00 pm on day one, stay 2 nights, leave in the early afternoon of day 3. I am returning to my home state, and will probably not be this way again. My question is, should I buy tickets to one canyon, or both? I will be hiking, but my spouse will mostly be in the car. What can I see/ do in roughly 1.5 days?

Yeah, the NASA link said the flares were visible in the beads, which got me confused. I certainly did not see anything this amazing in 2017! Thanks for pointing me toward the right information

Nope. I use a swim shammy/towel for my towel. It sucks all the water out of my suit. The towel is very light.

My commute on College is faster since the Red line was installed. It's safer, too

I was diagnosed after a colonoscopy. I was told IBS cannot be confirmed until other illnesses are ruled out. I had symptoms for over 2 years before finally getting the diagnosis

Those spin dryers are rough on suits. I roll my suit in a swim shammy; takes the same amount of time, but no stress on the fibers

I keep hearing 55°. I have been swimming in a small reservoir the past 18 months. The water drops below 55° after a heavy rain during the colder months. I swim with dive boots and gloves, but never a wetsuit. I usually swim 40-60 minutes. Is the trick to staying in the water acclimation? (When I started swimming in July, the water was 85° it started dropping in late September, - after reaching 95° in August). Does it become less risky to swim in below 55° water if you swim in it every day? I think swimming in hot water is gross; I worry about bacteria in warm water. I went to pools or the river when it was too hot to be refreshing