Well if the original doesn’t go above 15 the copies won’t trigger because the only way it wouldn’t go over 15 is if you ran out of deck

Well yes because every copy resets its breakpoint. That’s functioning the same way I described

The Artemis track is incredible for sure

You are wrong, I’ve played blob on sinister London enough times to know that Blob’s 15 power is a breakpoint that stops his on reveal but when he starts above 15 power he starts a new counter with his current power being zero and the new breakpoint being his current power +15

No but he kills their taskmaster and just ignoring the darkhawk lane can get you a win a lot of the time.

You understand deathlok and venom play on the same turn so saying “meh” to deathlok when you are blaming not having venom on it being a bad deck is just…. Not a great look

Captain America

They don’t want some money or a lot of money, they want ALL THE FUCKING MONEY. Then next quarter they want more

Captain America

They didn’t even address that the blog had Hank in as an “epic” tagged character. They were talking very specifically about Cap Britain going away fast but unless they quietly rescinded it, Hank is going into the vault too.

Oh it’d definitely require work but the payoff would be crazy

It’s hard to believe anyone with a functional mind would waste their time being bigoted trash to be fair

I’ve been watching Barbarous King doing a rune level 1 run and these bosses are fucking nutty. No hit no blessing on Radahn is MENTAL

With headphones it’s pretty easy to figure out where the real Hecate is - she always talks when she uses the split and there’s a directional audio to indicate which one is real

Kevin Smith doesn’t want Weinstein getting money from it and Weinstein being a bitter old fuck is asking some ridiculous price for it knowing that Kevin hates the idea of him getting money from it. Kevin actively encourages pirating this movie

I’m looking forward to Arishem because I like fun decks. I expect close to zero success but fun, which is its own win condition

Maybe they mean like globally. Of the 7.whatever billion people on the planet, barely any of them liberated Rubicon?

Jehovah’s witnesses are real easy to deal with for me. As soon as they explain who they are I lead with “can you confirm that whole thing about not being allowed blood transfusions?” Which they dutifully do. Then I explain how my mum had complications in child birth and without a blood transfusion at the right time both her and I would be dead. Then ask them to justify their religion to a dead man. They usually don’t really know how to respond

Yeah I liked it after thinking about it for a while but in the framing of “let’s just watch an episode before bed” it felt like a wasted decision

Yeah it’s incredibly well crafted and thought out. Just talking about it makes me wanna go back in for another run!


There’s only so much you can put into a card game that’s designed for a match to be played and over with in 2-3 minutes, but they honestly do give cards unique animation/sound effects that fit the personality of the characters


Well like they said, your first matches are against bots to teach you to play the game. If you were getting your shit pushed in against bots you wouldn’t learn a lot.

Now one of the coolest parts of the game is that with a well built deck you often CAN counter just about anything, but the decks only have 12 cards so you have to make decisions regarding what tech tools you want (because you cant have them all) and what power building/points slam cards you want and then you still have to figure out how to win with that deck against an opposing deck

Realistically they definitely needed to start with at least two episodes because the first episode makes some choices that would frustrate you if you had to wait a week for episode 2.

The first episode was a brave choice for sure. I was kinda shocked there was no “previously on” because it felt like forever since season 2 and I was patchy on some of the details, then I realised the whole episode was a really smoothly put together previously on and… I liked it, but I was definitely a little frustrated that I only had time for one episode and it kinda… wasn’t an episode

Emberward is a great little game but it definitely needs some tweaks and tuning. I’m not 100% sold on how much replayability it currently has in early access but more regions and characters should add a lot more to it in the final release