"Trauma" is generally described as reliving something that happens TO you. If you cause something to happen, then you feel bad about it later, that's not trauma, it's guilt.

Talking about Bojack being "scarred" or "traumatized" by an event that he caused to happen minimizes the story of EVERYONE who has ever been a victim.

u/depressed_lawyer (OP) states:

“She basically scarred Bojack because he refused to talk about one of this traumatic experiences. She couldn’t take it when he said we are the same (which of course they aren’t) and she had to prove how much worse he is than her by re-enacting New Mexico which could very well have hurt Penny if she saw it on TV.”


u/BitterSweetPsycho states:

“Yeah I agree, changing the script and relieving his biggest trauma was quite cruel but maybe she was just trying to make him reflect on it more and understand how horrible it was? Because for her he might have seemed like he didn't care. I might justify her rn but that's just how I think.”

"reliving his biggest trauma" is one of the most fucked up takes I've seen on what happened with Penny. It was TRAUMATIC FOR BOJACK???

A thesis, as I've described it here, refers to the opening statement that tell people what you're going to be talking about (think "in this episode..."). It's not a thesis as in a huge research paper that people have to write to obtain their doctorate. The thesis statement I'm referring to is "Diane is horrible when she snaps".

If you fail to bolster your initial argument, you're gonna get some push back in the comments. Because while it may be very clear to you why you reached the conclusion, failing to provide a clear path as to WHY you've arrived at the conclusion is the responsibility of the maker of the post. People are not wrong to be arguing with you.

Rolling your eyes and criticizing people for being critical of a bad post is also shitty writing, but I don't have time to get into that because I am in the office on my lunch break.

If one is to present an argument, all of the facts should be presented with it. You can't ramble on for a whole paragraph confidently stating THAT she's terrible without providing examples as to WHY she's terrible.

Your thesis provokes thought, but the content of your post does absolutely nothing to expand on or prove it. It basically goes "Diane bad, weh!" until it just kinda... peters out.

Telling people to "go to the comments for lots of examples" is the flaccid penis of forum posting. You've got a captive audience and you're telling them "wait, wait, there's EXAMPLES. If you just... just look at the comments... I swear this never happens..." If you're gonna make an argument, you gotta make sure it stands up on it's own.

The amount of people in these comments describing the incident with Penny as "traumatic for Bojack" is WILD.

Like, there's at LEAST two separate instances.

She emotionally scarred Bojack by reminding him of a shitty thing he did? Okay.

I still like him better than Steinbrenner.

Has she not seen any depictions in the media of women giving birth and SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER?

That's a lot of assumptions, hearsay, and ad hominem. But very little explaining how many factors are considered by experts such as yourself, and the other experts they had advise and troubleshoot this case ("math" is not an answer).

Since you're an expert in avionics, how would one bring an unmanned plane down in a specific location? That is, accounting for speed, weight, height, and all of the other physical considerations that one needs to consider before making an executive decision on this. Can you walk me through the troubleshooting process that a professional such as yourself might go through in order to determine what to do?

"So I says YEAH? You want that money? Well come an' find it, 'cause I dunno where it is, ya baloney! You make me wanna RETCH!"

"Son, a woman is a lot like a refrigerator. They're about six feet tall, 300 pounds, they make ice... Actually, a woman is more like a beer. They smell good, they look good, and you'd step over your own mother just to get one! But you can't stop at one! You wanna drink another woman!"

If there's a good way to stop a person from struggling, it's to threaten them with rape if they stop struggling.

frequently animated (but not always) porn of REALLLY young-looking girls in frilly outfits.

YOUNG black and brown men.