Just ask her for help with a tedious but unimportant chore whenever she says that. She'll stop if it's not genuine empathy, if it is you get a helper.

Where is it used as a legal term? Even pedo isn't one it's statutory or child abuse. The others are clinical terms

Não devias ter ido às putas. Mas já que foste, depois devias ter guardado a culpa para ti e não tentar expiar os pecados com a tua mulher como um conas. Devias ter ficado só tu a sofrer com a culpa em vez de passar o sofrimento para a tua família. Podes ir às putas quantas vezes quiseres agora. 

I also have that rule on my world ( in my case it's the god of love that ensures any sex is always consentual) thankfully I have never had to explain that bit of lore to my players

Thinking about and fantasizing about torturing the pesos is what's the problem. Look everyone hates predators and given the chance most people would sort one out but fantasizing about violence is an issue. Because you are inserting a predator into your fantasy to justify it doesn't make it healthy 

Cara de quem come atum direto da lata

Super Bock, Sagres, crystal, cergal , dia,emdbrau, argus, Carlsberg, Heineken, é tudo igual o sabor é ligeiramente diferente mas a qualidade é a mesma. Bebo a mais barata que tiverem no sítio 

Não ande com crente, essa gente é maluca 

You have an eating disorder, you cannot think in terms of what other people find attractive or even what you want to weigh. Keep your BMI in a healthy range (22 is healthy, under 19 isn't) ONLY use the info from certified sources on what is healthy, never your own mind.

If you want her to stop a behavior stop encouraging that behaviour. If she always finds loot she'll always look for it

INFO  Está a por em perigo a outra pessoa?  Isto é, o atual é perigoso? 

All labour is cooersive under capitalism, doesn't stop me from ordering a cheeseburger, why should I not watch a video from a reputable publisher?

All of those are sold unrefrigerated and only refrigerated after opening 

You have to learn to communicate. Btw the situation with the jars he was in right, everything that is sold in jars is only refrigerated when opened

Not too much if you can handle the scope. Not my kind of game but I can see friends enjoying it

What is the lore behind the health bar being a stomach and mana a kidney?