Call him what he is, an ignorant fat bigoted rapist of women and children.

If your slicer has X-Ray view you can see where the model is not manifold.

You may have extra vertices in the model.

You will have to disguise them as gardeners to get them close to the house tho.

Grab the Viagra boys albums, you won't be disappointed

Boiled potatoes and bratwurst so.

Nice big slippery German sausage is what they crave.

Yeah but they should be made to eat only white food, like plain rice and boiled chicken, not the tasty foods brought in by immigrants.

Pay attention, trump pays no one.

Except porn stars he didn't fuck, apparently.

I just watched Hamilton Morris on methaqualone in Africa, even toxic shrooms would be better than what they do to make It currently.

You gotta suck a lot of space dick before you find a decent trip.

I see two dictators and two dick eaters in this photo.

Edit: Deleting a duplicate.

Reddit seems to be duplicating a lot of comments lately.

"Pedophiles sponsor all these fuckin' racist bastards"

RTJ sling all kinds of badass.

It's bullshit, changing our vocabulary to appease an algorithm.

Its for hanging pots and pans in a kitchen.

Ropes allow you to raise and lower it.