I never once suggested and "opt out" of pvp.

I suggested that high sec ganking not be profitable.

slow clap

"Rimworld is a story generator, not a skill test. A ruined colony is a dramatic tragedy, not a failure."

don't be afraid to savescum, it's just a game

Tynan wins though. He got you so invested in the story of your colony that you had an emotional reaction to losing it.

You're hiding behind lore to defend a shitty mechanic that is exploited by gankers to "pvp" targets that can't retaliate.

It's still a garbage argument.

The existence of problem B does not diminish the existence of problem A.

Find a male therapist.

They are worth the wait to find, or be matched with if you use an online resource.

Wait time can typically be 2 to 4 times longer. I was told average wait of 24 hours, and waited 4 days before getting a male matched to me.

And he was the greatest person I ever talked to about my issues.

Told him that what I wanted from him was brutal truths, to not be handled with kids gloves, and to not be shy about calling me on my bullshiy if he sensed it.

And he did all that perfectly. Even dropped some cuss words when either of us would get passionate about something. Nothing inappropriate for the context, but a real human, talking like a human, to another human.

I will say though, that in my expetience, and even with a male therapist, it should take them several hours worth of sessions to get a feel for you. We didn't click until my 4th session, each being 90 minutes.

Quoting the direct mechanic for lore purposes does not negate that this is a shitty mechanic.

It's abused for shitty reasons that inevitably deter the very players everyone complains they want to be playing.

You're defending shitty abusive gameplay that is incentavised to be targeted towards people who almost always have no recourse to prevent it from happening except "not play".

"But muh immergant pvp bruv"


People, including women, don't like taking accountability for their choices.

Go figure.

Now show me all the others since you can conveniently claim your own experience validates your argument.

Yep, fuck the new players trying to get into the fun and profitable content the 10 year vets get to enjoy.

Great attitude and very sustainable.

"I should be able to use this mechanic I enjoy at yoyr expense, but you shouldn't be able to enjoy that mechanic at my expense."


Keep tattling on yourselves.

Show me the gankers who are not making a profit and enjoy being ganked.

Except, that is not what happens.

And you know that.

Gankers pick and choose based on investment to payoff.

You know that.

It's disingenuous to present it as otherwise.

They shoot crabs in a barrel and call it PvP, when the reality is they are treating players like site rats. They are PvEing player targets.

"But muh immergant PvP bruv?!"

So immergant....

"Let me PLEX my account by killing newbies."

Thank you for proving my point.

The profit is the literal incentive to do it.

Take that away. If "all the incentives" I'm demanding is one simple thing, your argument is moot.

I didn't even ask that ganking be punished, or bans, or somehow remove the ability to gank.

I just don't want it to be profitable.

Suspect does not prevent anyone from looting the wreck/can.

The police kill who killed you, and then let the gankers friend come take all your shit.

That's not how it works.

Pploce don't show up to a murder scene, kill your murderer, then let his brother in your house to take all your shit.

Defending this idea is idiotic. Downvote away. I don't care.

I stand by my above comment. Ganking being profitable literally incentavises people to do it.

It should NOT be a profitable activity in any space with police response.

Null, wormholes, lowsec, all those can stay exactly as is.

They are becoming the very thing they spent 2 generations dismantling.

It's sad to watch unfold.

sips coffee

I don't want gankers punished.

I just don't want ganking to be one of the most profitable isk/hr activities.

Any player who triggers a police response and receives a killmail, the target they killed should be the only player allowed to loot the wreck.

No more profit for ganking.

You can find statistics on these things for the USA through papers published by the CDC and Census Bereau.

Twitter was ALWAYS shit.

The thing Reddit has going for it over every platform is the "anonymity".

All the other platforms are very "invididualistic". It's all about the person.

Reddit is essentially a "portal" to varied content. The username matters so much less than the content of the post.

The comment sections on every platform are all filled with the same biased, head up their own ass people. And I don't think there is a viable solution to fix that problem.

The privelage of anonymity comes with people saying "fringe" shit they would likely tone police in the real world. But I also think that is better than the alternative...censorship.

I totally agree.

There is a common theme among people that say this too. They have other options. Usually, many options.

It's a comparison statement/feeling. Essentially saying that someone else makes me feel something more than you make me feel something.

It's a cop-out for making shitty choices that are almost always selfish AND hurt someone else in the process.

It's absolutely disgusting how many people say this type of stuff.

Unpopular food for thought....

It's a successful posting tactic because this sub is very easy to see double standards and rampant sexism in.

If it wasn't so easy, it wouldn't be working so well.

About to close year 10. Nearly the same boat.

It doesn't get better unless you go out and get everything you want all by yourself.

Prospects dwindle as you age. Then there's this period where ladies in their early 20s start flirting with you in your mid 30s. That vanishes quickly, thankfully.

Don't give up if you are ultimately looking for something. But also don't get your hopes.

Nearly half of men die alone with no partner or kids.

Just how it is nowadays and women as a whole don't appear to be concerned at all. Nor does society at large.

Focus on you. It has spurts of loneliness but I've found these also vanish quickly with random resurgance.

Now flip the script and tell women they MUST talk about previous partners and their relationships otherwise women are not being "open" and it's "lies by omission."

