I play The Purge. I have never done trim in my life.

For bugs? Napalm Eagle, Gas Strike, Rover, flex on the last slot but usually EATs. For gear it’s Blitzer, Grenade Pistol, and Impact Incendiaries.

I make breaches my bitch.

I mean they had a dedicated Solar Auxilia detachment Perty recognized and honored by letting them wear his iconography during the Crusade and Heresy. I see no reason why some of that wouldn’t stay.

Iron Plate just is to good for a cleric in heavy armor. Restoration and a mace and look like a trooper.

I feel it is worth talking about. At the end of the day for a majority of people this is a fun casual dice game where cool things with low odds are fun to discuss and the meta rarely is ever a factor.

I’ve seen Hive Tyrants fail battleshock 3 times in a row with triple 1s. Things can happen.

Don’t you fuckin dare put Eri in a fight. You keep that little cinnamon roll out of it and let her smile dammit.

Most hygienic Magic player

Flechette Harpoon Gun. Big impractical, pseudo infinite ammo heavy shotgun? Hell yeah

No matter what I come up with it will emerge achieve the Peak Writing that is The Purge.

Complex backstory? Daddy issues? Ties the Heresy? Nope. They just really want to kill everyone and everything so the galaxy can start over again.

Counterpoint: it adds funny skeletons for me to bring along and funky tools for a Dwemer artificer build.

Says you that’s the helmet I gave my flamer Kasrkin. He has roasted many a Nid in his time of service.

“Woah these new bug aliens are so weird. What are they called, Tyranids?”


Bethesda isn’t even in Bethesda anymore. The Maryland location is up in Rockville a good half hour from DC.

As someone who lives in Montgomery County I can see MoCo becoming a pseudo-Strip, especially if it was along Rockville Pike.

As someone who owns 120 cultists, I really am enjoying the cultist detachment. Not competitive at all but it’s fun as heck.

The answer is simply the game was released 4 years before Ad Mech came to tabletop. They were just background lore at the time.