Your responsibility ends at the required archive tags. It is very, very polite to tag other "big" common triggers, but its not needed.

Like, you cannot anticipate every single trigger. I think the best example was a tumblr post where the author said their worst, most visceral trigger was chicken broth, jello, and popsicles, The comments tore this poor person apart, like how DARE you trivialize something as BIG and BAD as triggering material to something as small and silly as broth, jello, and popsicles.

now I have had emergency abdominal surgery and been on "clear liquid diet" in the hospital so I GOT why this could be a PTSD trigger

but all this is to say (which was also the tumblr OPs point) is sometimes triggering shit can be totally innocuous. Tag shit that you expect people will want to be warned about, but don;t beat yourself up over missing something

Iā€™d really love to see the proof that Cara was written FOR Gina. That doesnā€™t happen unless someone is already a big, big name or reprising a previously established role (ie: Luke Skywalker). I very much doubt that Gina has anywhere near enough pull for that. Even Meryl Streep has to audition.

I have an OC who I shoehorn into 90% of my Star Trek fics. Like even different eras with time travel stuff. I am doing what everyone says not to and bending the laws of physics and canon to fit her in

And idgaf, Iā€™m going to keep writing my stupid Mary Sue blorbo in so many Situations

I meanā€¦.its a cartoon trope that dates back to the dawn of animation at least

I do it all the time. Many fandoms have rich worlds to explore!

God I miss the chaos of sims 1 šŸ˜‚

I imagine Vulcan spouses being quick to add that it is not logical to be away from oneā€™s bondmate for over seven years, but getting super cagey when asked why

Yeah, but like, you know, you donā€™t like OCs so youā€™re not going to read a whole ass fic about one and leave a comment dunking on them? There is a gulf of difference between reasonable people who DLDR and fools who read stuff they know they donā€™t care for to troll it

Where Wolves Fear to Prey

Star Trek - T - Saavik/OFC

awkward meet cute turns mutual pining turns both of them getting taken prisoner

Where Wolves Fear to Prey

Star Trek - T - Saavik/OFC

awkward meet cute turns mutual pining turns both of them getting taken prisoner


Put in a bunch of exchanged recently and got ā€˜em mixed up. Itā€™s done now

The tags are the content, but they don't tell me why I should read it

like i hate writing summaries but I can't imagine jusst...not

Bustin out was my favorite. It had such a unique vibes but was still very true to the sims

I loved the aesthetics of the urbz, but the gameplay too to big of a turn.

Console sins 2 was awesome, it had a lot of the unhinged whacky vibes of bustin out

A family doesnā€™t need children.

Also if youā€™re married your spouse is entitled to benefits reserved for family members: insurance, hospital visitations, joint adoption etc