Omg those eyes ❤️🥰❤️

And those beans! I just want to gobble them up ❤️

I like the one small bead. It doesn’t take away the focus from the cat and paw.

Cute earrings ❤️

10 - gives me chills, love Darren’s voice on this track.

“ I want to feel your hand in mine And I want to feel that rush in my spine, I want to wear the scent of you, And do all the things you want me to”

It’s warm, cushiony and comfy 😂

Stunning girl btw 🥰❤️🥰

Your daughter is very talented ! Beautiful painting ❤️

Too much water under the bridge for that to ever happen. Darren was thrown under the bus by Daniel, he made it look like Darren wanted to go solo and split the group.

I watch the insatiable video these days and have a weird feeling about it, giving the circumstances of how it was made.

He was forced to have a female counterpart when originally he was going to have a male. He wasn’t really allowed to express himself fully. They silenced him.

I personally don’t find it cringe and definitely not gross.

He always writes from the heart whether it’s upbeat like crush, or soul breaking like two beds and a coffee machine.

He wears his heart on his sleeve.

She’s definitely the boss! Pic 2 is saying don’t mess with me I will f you up 😂😂😂

Beautiful girl ❤️

What a regal beauty ❤️🥰❤️


This was one of the first songs I heard from Savage Garden. I was 10 years old. The day I heard that song I said I would get married using that song.

13 years later I married my hubby and truly madly deeply was playing ❤️🥰❤️.

Every time I listen to this song it fills me with joy and wonderful memories.

My boy used to that with my husband!

He would start knocking stuff off the desk to make my husband go over and pick it up.

He would then do multiple head bonks to make sure he took the hint 😂

He doesn’t do it so much now as I’m generally in the bedroom most of the day.

He likes to be near me but not always touching.


One of my all time favourite songs and in my top 5 savage garden songs.

These songs truly saved me. I was struggling a lot growing up and I always could escape my reality listening to savage gardens music.

My love for Darren Hayes only grew more when he became a solo artist. ❤️🥰❤️

Absolutely magnificent ! You are an amazing artist ❤️❤️❤️


Not in the mood for photos 🤣😂🤣

My boy likes to cuddle into me. He has to have some part of him touching me.

A couple of times his tail has got caught under my boobs, but it doesn’t faze him. He just turns around cuddles the other way. 😂

My girl knows when I’m feeling low she will rub up against me and give me a head boink 🥰

Ok troll.

You are an insensitive ah with zero compassion.

Keep in mind 1 in 4 people suffer with depression.

So it is likely already affecting someone you know.

You need to stay single and don’t procreate. If you have children already I feel sorry for your offspring.

To have a narrow minded, emotionally stunted man-child for a parent. They don’t stand a chance.

What goes around, comes around. Karmas a b**ch

This is the same guy who kept his roommates money, when he donated their bottles and cans.

Op has no moral compass and whilst the items belong to him, it was a dick move to take all the stuff and leave the others without even a toaster.

YTA 100%