Yeah. I plot just enough to act as a guideline for me to pants it. I need a guideline so that I don’t veer off into some weird nonsensical direction. But if I plot too much, it takes the fun out of writing, and I quickly lose motivation.

So yeah, I have a good idea of where I want to go, but not how I want to get there.

Well, I occasionally use non-Christian as a general term. Maybe “unbeliever” or “closed hearted”. But I only use these terms under extreme circumstances.

It may be r/Christianity but it’s filled with aggressive, offended atheists seeking conflict, and with misinformants that try to project their ideology into religion. That’s why r/TrueChristian was created. This is a civil place for friendly debate, sharing experiences, and getting things off of your chest.

Transgenderism was not a thing when the Bible was written, so there are no direct laws against it, but it does fall under certain other vaguer rules. Self mutilation, in Genesis “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” Basically meaning, a born man is a man, a born woman is a woman no matter of what happens to your genitals, or chemicals in your brain.

I tend to abide by the laws of nature that God set in place for us to follow. We weren’t biologically designed to swap genders as toads were, so it goes against nature.

Today I just want you know I am not a good friend to anyone I am a bad person I don’t want you guys in trouble and I’m sorry.

Autocorrect is being mean to me. 😢

“I have a space man in my head, and a tiny woman in my shoes. What part of this makes sense”?

Marriage before sex, no, it’s not a sin. Sex before marriage is sexual immorality, and that is a sin.

So yes, that is a factual statement that I needed to walk myself through.

Don’t let them then. Feed them. Those dogs are starving

Piracy by definition is theft. Theft is a sin. Technically speaking, I don’t think it counts, but I’m not going to risk accidentally sinning. I don’t like doing it.

3. I have an entire library of plots and stories that I plan to write later, but currently, I’m working on 3 projects.

Because without them, you’d be too strong.

In all seriousness, it’s likely because of our disabilities that we’re able to grow as individuals.

No. You will absolutely be labeled as the bad guy, but you should not support people’s delusions. I refer to people by what they are, not what they wish they were.

First of all, what can magic do? What are the limits and what are the consequences?

And then, what are some unique ways that it can be utilized in everyday situations.

How did magic come to be? How was it created? How does magic lead the lives of your characters as technology leads ours?

And then I would say this step is optional, but are there any forbidden ways to use magic, and if there are, why are they forbidden?

I don’t know about you, but an unexplained flying stick at night would be pretty freaky.

I completely understand. Up until just recently, I outright hated humanity. It was pretty edgy, but people were quite literally the worst things in the world to me.

And then I found out how to forgive people I didn’t know. It took a bit of self deception, a bunch of reluctant “I forgive you”s, but eventually, I understood. People are fallible, and even more so when they don’t have God to guide them. Demons see their lack of faith as an open door, and it is easy to make them do things that directly contradict God’s will. It’s easy to forgive children for failing in difficult situations, and that’s exactly what they are. Ignorant children who don’t know what they’re doing is wrong.

It likely would have been better for the world. I don’t want to seem rude, or give a false message, but it could be that she wouldn’t have done much good. Or maybe her death will serve as a means for you to grow in the future. Or maybe both. I can’t claim to know God’s motives, but understand that it is for the betterment of everyone involved.

I sympathize with you, and I am very sorry for your loss. May God bless you down the line.

Overindulgence is a sin. Alcohol is poison, so God doesn’t want us to harm ourselves for a temporary pleasant sensation.

Drinking alcohol is not a sin, because even Jesus drank wine. I don’t know how much is allowed, but if you are strongly compelled to drink more after you think you e had enough, then that’s probably too much.

The eye contact must have been either more awkward than anything, or extremely arousing.

There’s a certain amount of truth to that. Of course, we must appreciate what God does for us, but you are correct that we should focus on how we can serve him.

Something that atheists don’t understand is that we desire personal compatibility over sexual compatibility. Sex is just not as important as our personal relationship with each other.

I actually could probably make myself gay if I wanted to. I just really don’t want to though. You probably know the saying “fake it till you make it”. There is a psychological reason why that actually works. You’re right when you say I don’t exactly understand, since I’ve never wanted to change myself to this scale, but I have changed myself before, and I do understand that this is likely just another trick of the mind.

In the past, the steps I’ve taken to change myself were to first pretend like I was how I wanted to be. I was an alcoholic a few years back. So I restricted my access to alcohol and I pretended like I wasn’t an alcoholic. I still suffered through the addiction, so I started drinking tea, and pretending that it was the alcohol that I “wanted”. It took a while before I noticed, but I realized that I got addicted to tea, and I no longer cared for alcohol.

My point is, if you pretend that you’re straight, it will soon become a habit to pretend like you’re straight, and someday, your brain would actually believe that you are straight. In that case, you really would be straight. Again though, to reiterate, I don’t know if this method works on an issue to this scale.

And if homosexual people think of straight relationships as straight people think of homosexual relationships, then that could be the biggest issue with this method.

I genuinely wish I could help more, but the best I can do is say that it’s going to take time and effort, and to not be discouraged when things get tough. When you overcome this challenge, you will be stronger because of it.

I understand. Being a Christian is tough. You need to stay loyal, you need to stay faithful, you need to remain clean of sin, and you need to go out of your way to talk about Jesus. It is tiring, I fully understand what you mean by that.

Here comes the “however”. I need you to remember that God made this trial called life difficult for a reason. If life was easy, what would there be to learn? How could we possibly grow as people if we never had any challenges? From what I hear, he’s really pushing you through the deep end of things, but again, remember that you don’t even have it the worst.

I read a post the other day about a man who had to watch as his wife battled with cancer multiple times, but he and his Wife both remained loyal and faithful to God, and they came out of it okay. The growth that they both had? God was testing their faith, and they persevered. Their faith grew stronger because of it.

These challenges are difficult, but God placed them there for you so that you could become stronger. He never gives impossible tasks, and he always provides a way for you to endure. Believe me, the very last thing I want is to come across as rude with this remark, but just because you stop being Christian, does not mean you can escape God’s challenges. You will still face hardships, you will still be tested, you will still struggle. But Heaven is worth the extra difficulty.

To wrap this up, imagine this. Imagine you’re being chased by a murderer. Are you just going to give up and accept your death, just because you’re tired? Or are you going to push through the exhaustion to get to safety? It is always worth it to just push through a little longer to get to safety.

I will pray for you, and I wish you luck. May God bless you.